Chapter 25

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3rd P.O.V.

By the time they reached the exit it was already nightfall. They ran to a nearby forest in order to lose the the guards.
"Did we lose them?" Said Fionna as she catches her breath. "Think so..." Finn replied. "We should head to the candy kingdom." They all nodded.


As they made their way to the candy kingdom, they noticed everything around them. The trees were dying, the rivers have dried up, plants wilting. The Land of Oo itself was dying. "Everything's dying" Finn said as they make their way through the candy forest. "It's like the Lich are slowly sucking the life out of everything" Said Marceline. "We have to find Princess Bubblegum and prince Gumball. They should be able to form a plan on defeating the Lich for good." Finn suggested. "Let's get to it then." Fionna replied. Running through the dead forest, Finn and the others encountered what it looks to be one of the candy people, yet quite different. The way it moved was odd and disturbing as if it was possessed by something evil. "Wait" Finn whispered but the creature had already noticed them. The creature started walking towards them, slowly, twitching at every step. Every step it took was disturbing, strange liquid oozing from the mouth. The oozing liquid seemed to be acid as the ground started smoking as if it was evaporating when a few drops fell from it's mouth. "Be careful, that thing's dangerous" said Fionna as she unsheathed her sword. Moments later, screeching noises were heard all over the forest. It was more of those creature, a pack of them surrounding Finn and the others. Fionna rushed at the nearest one and performed a thrust, hitting it's heart. As Fionna pulled her sword, her weapon had already melted like it was plastic. "There goes my new favorite sword" Fionna remarks,  throwing her weapon aside. "How do we kill these things without losing our weapons or our limbs" Said Cake, hissing at the creatures. "It's too dangerous. We should retreat". Marceline said as she transformed into her giant bat form. "Get on!"

As they took of, Finn used his newly acquired vampire vision to zoom in his view back at the forest. "Uhhh you might wanna pick up the pace Marcy" Finn stared. "What? Why's that?" Marceline replied, sounding nervous. The creature had mutated themselves in order to capture their prey. Grotesque wings sprouted from their backs. The creatures started taking off as soon as their wings dried. "They're flying!!" Marshall Lee shouted. "Hold tight" Marceline warned before increasing her speed, everyone did as they were told. Increasing her speed wasn't enough though. These things were able to catch up to them. "Can't you guys do something!?" Finn looked at the Abadeers. "Our powers are barely recovering." Said Hunson Abadeer.
"Damn.... What do we do?" Said Finn, as one of the creature boosted at Finn. Finn held his hands up in defense. Suddenly, the creature stopped midway. As if it hit a brick wall. Everyone stared at Finn, astonished. Finn tried motioning his hand as if he was trying to push something in the air. The creature flew backwards. "Looks like we know what your powers now Finn!" Marceline shouted. "It's telekinesis!!"

"Cool" Finn said, clutching his fist, getting ready as more of the creatures started gaining speed. Finn opened his hands and aimed his palm at the creatures and slowly closed it. Crushing the creatures like they were a single grape. "Finn that was awesome!!" Fionna cheered. "Yeah, and to be honest, I'm a bit Jealous." Marshall Lee admitted. "We can move things with our minds, but that's about it. It isn't as powerful as yours. Telekinesis is very rare, even for a vampire." Marceline nodded. "Now lets head to the candy kingdom."

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