A Wonderland of a Mind

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'As she danced to the music in her head, she thought of how she came this far. Twirling on her toes ever so gracefully. Her eyes remained closed as she knew what her next move was. She twirled, and twirled, and stopped.. Holding out her hand to, no one. A frown appeared on her face, her blue eyes looking around sadly for her partner. Where had he gone? Why wasn't he here? As she looked around, her heart grew ever so cold. Her good mood crushed with anger and heartbreak. How could he have betrayed her?'

Aura gasped at her book. "I can't believe that-"

"Aura!! Come here!" Aura jumped and as her name was called. She hid her book under her pillow and jumped out of bed. Was she late again?

Aura flew down the stairs, being careful with each step as to not slip and fall. "Yes, Ma'am??" Aura came to a stop in front of the Madam. "Clean the dining room. You did not show up to role. Go. NOW." Aura looked down and entered the dining room, looking at the stacks of plates and silverware. "Oh my..." She muttered and got to work.

Aura was still cleaning after what seemed like an hour. "Well hello Ms. Trouble." A boy said, who she absolutely was annoyed by. "Go away Larry." She said and turned her back as she began to sweep the floor. Larry chuckled and went in front of her again. "Man, you really like your alome time. Don't you? Its no wonder you are always in trouble." Aura gave him a nasty glare. How much she wished he'd just leave her alone. "Go, I said. Or I'm telling Madam." She threatened. Larry knew well of the punishments and left.

Aura gave a sigh of relief and continued to sweep. Then she thought of her book. What was it like to have that freedom to do, just whatever you please? Aura let her imagination wonder. She now imagined the dining room as a wonderland of obstacles. "Oh how much I do love challenges." She said and began to dance with her broom, imagining it as her partner. Aura twirled and jumped onto a bridge, or in the real world, a table.

Aura laughed and kept dancing. She then was snapped out of her lucid wonderland when the other kids started to laugh at her. She looked at them, her wonderland fading back into the dining room. "You're dancing??! As a punishment??!!" Larry laughed with his two friends on either side of him.

Aura didn't know what to say. She was so embarrassed. "What did you ask for Christmas, a tutu??" Asked one of Larry's clearly immature friend. Aura dropped the broom, her hands shaking and tears welling in her eyes. She shoved past the boys and ran through the hallway and upstairs again. She went to her bed and cried into her pillow, her fists clenched tight as her face was red with embarrassment.

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