Unlikely Friends

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Aura back into the pillar as the boy neared her. He stopped, standing in front of her and smiling. Taking a bow, he lowered his head in fake respect. "Madam, I am Elias. A hunter, if I do say so myself." He said, looking up at her with a smirk. Aura pushed off the pillar and gave a small curtsy. "Aura, good sir." She said, not sure if she should run or stay where she was. "I happened to notice, you just.. Spawned in the field a ways back. And then, chased by evil nymphs??" He asked, crossing his fingers behind his back. Aura swallowed and nodded. "Y-yes. They were so nice and then.. Something hit them. I wish I could have stepped in." She said, looking down. Elias frowned in annoyment. 'Oh I wish I could kill you myself.' He thought to himself. "I honestly just want to go home." Aura said, her voice shaking as she was forcing herself not to cry. Elias lifted her head by her chin, making her look in his eyes. "Well, I can get you home. But you have to come with me." He said, tightening his crossed fingers. Aura's eye's lit up as she looked at him. "You can??!" She asked, excitedly. Elias was barely in hos nod when Aira threw her arms around him and hugged him. "Ahh!" Elias shrieked as Aura hugged him. "Thank you thank you!!" She said, hugging him tighter before letting go.

Elias stood there as Aura danced around, excited to go home. He didn't know what just happened, or why. But he kinda liked it. Elias looked oher at the dancing girl. 'Almost makes me regret having to turn you in.' He thought, studying her dancing. Elias took a deep breath and grabbed her hand, pulling her close to him and looking at her. "Shall we? Before the wolves come out?" He asked, his hand resting on her lower back and holding her against him. Aura nodded as her cheeks turned red. Elias smiled and took her hand, leading her out of the dense forest.

It had been about hours of walking, Elias annoyed of Aura's presence. She wouldn't stop talking, or dancing, or singing. Which he rather enjoyed her singing, depending on the song. Elias sighed and rolled his eyes and then tripped over a root. He pushed up and growled in anger, Aura holding in a chuckle. "Are you ok??" She asked, helping him up. "Fine. Thank you." He said, looking at her with annoyed eyes. Aura stepped back, seeing his annoyed expression.

As they kept walking, Aura run along ahead and dance around in the fully grown willow trees. Eloas stopped as he watched her twirl on her toes, the sunset hitting her figure just perfectly to make her look lile a silhouette. A small smile formed on Elias' face, his expression lightening a little. But then, Elias heard something rustling behind him and a snarl. The wolves. He gasped and went over to Aura, wrapping an arm around her and holding her close. "Don't. Move." He whispered, Aura freezing in position as she gripped his coat. A large, black wolf emerged from the shadows. Elias breathed heavily in fear, his hands shaking. Two more wolves appeared behind the first. Eloas began to back away slowly, his grip on Aura tight. The wolf snarled and lunged. Elias jumped back and shoved Aura in front of him. "Run!!" He screamed. Aura began to run, him following behind her. He then took out some whistle and was about to blow on it, but a wolf tackled him from behind. Aura looked behind her and gasped as Elias was holding away the monsters head by its throat so it wouldn't bite down on his own throat. Aura ran back to Elias. "Get away!!!!" She screamed, an ice sword forming in her hands. She took a swing and smacked the wolf with the ice, it shrieking and flying off Elias. Aura helped him up, and they ran again. He still had the whistle in his hand. Putting the whistle to his lips, he blew in it.

As they ran, the wolves were catching up. Then something jumped out beside Elias. He grabbed Aura by her waist and tossed her onto this dark horse. Elias then jumped on himself and kicked this horse in the side. Aura wrapped her arms around his torso, tightly and gripping his coat. Elias looked behind him as the wolves gained. The horse was nearing a cliff, and Elias made it go faster. Aura shrieked when the horse jumped off. The wolves stopped of the cliffs edge as the horse opened its magnificent wings. Aura looked at the wings and gasped, her eyes widened in awe.

Elias looked back at Aura, giving a slight smile. Aura chuckled, her chuckle causing Elias to chuckle as well. Aura smiled and looked over the horses side. "Wow.." She muttered. Elias looked back at her over his shoulder. "L-listen.. What you did back there, saving my life.. Thank you, Aura." He said, Aura looking in his eyes. "No problem. I couldn't leave you there." She smiled and Elias smiled back, looking back forward. "Well. We'll just go to my place for the night. Or, a hideout I know." He said. Aura wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his back. Elias' eyes widened and his face turned red. He smiled slightly and tapped the horses side with his heal, his horses gliding gently in the nightfall.

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