Chapter 19: Zayn

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Scars And a Cup of Coffee

His hands shook and his palms sweat, and nothing seemed to calm him. Zayn could feel his heart speed up in his chest and flutter when Harry said his name. Why couldn't he just say it? Why couldn't he just let the pain go into his words and the agony leave with them as his story was told?

But his mouth was dry, and his head was pounding. He knew his breaths were becoming shallow, but Harry was right there, with soft words and reassuring touches.

"Calm down, Zayn. It's okay," Harry closed his mouth as if he wanted to say something more, but he didn't continue. Zayn wasn't sure what to do.

"It would be so much easier to show you." Zayn whispered knowing Harry would hear, but Zayn knew the answer to that when, subconsciously, he pulled down the sleeve of his jumper.

It was Summer and he still was wearing a sweaters and long sleeves. He knew Harry didn't mind and didn't really care, but he could still feel the stares of others when they noticed.

Aren't you hot in that, love?

It's nearly 30 degrees out, why are you wearing a sweater?

Zayn shivered as a bead of sweat crawled down his neck, inching its way on to his back. His left arm burned. It was almost anticipating the moment it'd be revealed. But, not yet.

Zayn jumped up, going straight for a set of drawers in the corner of the den. He wiggled it open, grabbing newspapers and articles. His hands still shook as he tossed papers onto the floor and around him. He could clean this mess later, now he had to deal with the one that was waiting to happen.

Harry's gaze followed him around the room, Zayn could feel the weight on his back. Zayn's pulse jumped every time he pulled yet another article out of a drawer.

Zayn jumped as Harry wrapped around him, Harry's long, tattooed arms a comfort that quelled his shivers. Zayn sunk back into Harry's hug, for the first time in a long time he slouched; Zayn relaxed from his soldier's stance and let go. The touch burned just as much as it brought comfort. Zayn didn't know what he was feeling, and that made him as mad as he was sad.

He opened the hand Harry had resting at his waist, and put the papers in the scarred palm Zayn loved so much. Harry set down the papers instead of reading them, which confused Zayn.

Why? Didn't Harry want to know?

Harry spun him around so they were facing each other. Zayn took the time to notice that Harry was slightly taller than him, just so, that loose strands of curled brown hair would ghost on Zayn's cheeks. That Harry had to slightly hunch to kiss his forehead. Or that Harry would straighten his posture just so that he could cover Zayn protectively.

All Zayn could wonder about, however, was the look of complete love in his lover's eyes. The way the emerald stare was slightly clouded over with concentration. Concentration that was focused on Zayn. Normally, he would duck and shy away from all the emotion that was directed towards him, but right now it was all that Zayn needed.

Harry cupped his face, and licked his lips in the way that told Zayn that Harry was nervous. "Thank you."

Zayn hadn't expected those words but they seemed to assure his heart that the end wasn't near, just a new beginning.

Zayn watched as Harry picked up the article and read as he sat . His eyes sweeping across the page. Zayn watched as the emotions changed gradually, from confused, to sadness, to understanding.

They were all so subtle that he wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't spent hours wanting to sketch him. His laugh lines and dimples, when he laughed, and tears and puffy cheeks, when he cried. Zayn knew all the little not-so-give-away's and hidden expressions. All the details that made Harry, Harry.

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