Komahina(fluff!) Part 1

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Okay okay,I know I said I will update Wednesday or Thursday, But I feel like writing soo..And I also kind of changed my writing style. Anyways,Enjoy 🤗

This story took place in an AU where It's a legit school trip to the island, no killing game whatsoever.

Narrator's POV

It was a bright sunny day in The Jabberwock Island. It was school trip day #2. Everyone was energized after resting inside their cottages. Yesterday,Everyone kinda explored the island, and adjusting to it. Today, the real fun will finally begin. Right now, All the students were inside the Hotel Restaurant, waiting for breakfast that will soon be served by Teruteru. He insisted to cook for everyone.

"I'm sooo boreeeeedddd right now!" Ibuki said as she slump her body against the chair she was sitting at.
"To be honest, for once I actually agree with chu! Waiting is booooriiing! Isn't it Mahiru?!" It seems that Hiyoko agreed with Ibuki.
"Well...I can't say I'm not bored, but we have to patiently wait for Teruteru! He is kind enough to actually go through the trouble of preparing us dishes!" Mahiru answered, as she gave a comforting smile to Hiyoko.

While others are chitchatting, Two men in particular were not joining in. they were sitting in the table next to the window, talking to eachother's company.

"It's great that Teruteru is willing to cook. I'm pretty sure his food will taste delicious!" A white haired male with light grey eyes said with an excited tone with a slight tint of pink in his cheeks.
"Well I will be lying to say that I'm not excited. He is the Ultimate cook afterall." A slightly shorter brunnete with olive green eyes replied kindly.

It seems that Nagito Komaeda and Hajime Hinata had been talking to eachother, focused on their topic they didn't notice all their classmates were staring at them.

"GEeeZ gEt A r00m!" Baby Gangst-- I mean Fuyuhiko shouted. "Flirt with eachother somewhere else!"
"Fuyu-san,it seems that you are saying that with a tone of annoyance. What could be bothering you so much as they are just increasing their bond as friends, If I may ask?" Sonia said in a questioning tone.
"I told you not to call me Fuyu-san. And Sonia, how naive can you be, they're not 'increasing their bond of friendship', They're obviously flirting." Fuyuhiko replied with a sigh.
"Well can't argue with baby gangsta there. they do look like they are flirting with each other there." Akane said as she relaxes her back on the chair she was on and resting her eyes.
"Baby what?!" Fuyuhiko shouted with anger and annoyance. before he could say another word, Hajime stands up and was about to say something.
"uh,guys we were not flirting you know..we are just friends, that's all there is to it." The course student said with his worried smile and his hands infront of him.

The whole class went silent. Okay maybe you guessed,but Nagito had been crushing on Hajime for like a year now. and the whole class knows it. Except Hajime.

"Ouch." Kazuichi said as he scratched the back of his head and looked over to the side. Everyone else just whistled and looked away to the sides too. Except for--
"Hajime-kun,that is really tasteless of you! do you know that Nagi--" Sonia's mouth was covered by Gundham's hand who then whispered : "Don't be such a fool and let Nagito confess himslef later Sonia. I believe he can do it himself since, I, Gundham Tanaka, In Possesion of the 4 Deaves of Destruction, Ruler of the world, Is on his side!" He was already shouting actually. No more whispering. Sonia's eyes sparkled as she heard that, and Kazuichi started screaming to Gundham out of jealousy, and it was noise all over again.

How's Nagito doing?

Nagito's POV
As everyone scream and shouts, and as Hajime and Mahiru trying to stop them, I was left there thinking to myself. "are we really nothing more than friends? is it always gonna be like that?" What Hajime said basically set me off to a bad start of the day. How could he not know about my feelings?

"Alright everyone! The dishes are ready! tipity top top ~!" Teruteru said as he layed out the finest meals to ever be seen. Akane and Byakuya was already drooling for the food given off to them. Not only them actually. Everyone was. Except me.

As everyone else ate, I sat there,basically thinking of what Hajime said. "Am i really that Unlovable..?" I sighed.
"No you are not unlovable. That's not true. I think..." I looked up and saw the Ultimate gamer, Chiaki Nanami, who was also my best friend. She then placed a plate full of meat and potatoes, salad and some onion rings.
"Ah! Thankyou Chiaki! This looks splendid~! You know all my favorites!" I said to her. I am very grateful to have her in my life as my bestfriend. she is always there for me.
"Of course. We are close friends after all Nagito." Chiaki said as she sat down in the same table as me.
"mmhmm~ uwer cowwext." I said as i chomped my food down.
"Swallow first. Then talk. I think.."
"Oookkkkayyy mommm~" I said as i swallowed my food. It is really calming to talk to Chiaki. she is always so calm, giving others that speak her to that calm vibe too.
"By the way.." she said softly.
"Do not think about what Hajime said too much. you still have a chance with him." she said, knowing I'm thinking about it.
"Haha! I wish.." I answered her in a jokingly tone.
"I actually have a strategy...i think.." That words echoed in my mind. I directly asked her
"what? what is it? tell me please!" I sounded so desperate.
"Okay, from the dating Simulations i ever played,even tho I'm not good at it, The main character tries to make their crush jealous so the specific man/woman would like them.. I think.." She said, as if she was unsure herself. But I do not care.
"I will do it! please do help me Chiaki!" I told her with total confidence. After that she started to whisper the plan to my ear.

Hajime's POV
I was busy calming everyone down that i forgot that I left Nagito alone in his seat. When i turned my back, He was talking to Nanami, the Ultimate gamer. They seem to be really having fun..well they've always been like this. They are close friends. Even so, I feel this tight feeling in my chest. I hate this feeling. It feels...awful. It feels like Jealousy..?

{Time Skip, It was time to have some free time,Everyone decided to go to the beach,to swim duh.}

Hajime's POV
"OOOooOoOooohhh~ Can't wait to see Miss Sonia in a bathing suit!~" Kazuichi said as he punched the air. I was walking with him to the beach.
"good for you." I said. Unlike him, I'm not perverted. forget the time I peeked on Mahiru and Hiyoko. as we reached the beach everyone was already there. Kazuichi then ran off to find Sonia. I sat down in a spot under the tree, trying to relax. And then i saw Nagito and Chiaki coming while holding..hands?

"WOOOOOWWW WHY DID YA GUYS COME HERE HOLDING HANDS?!" Nekomaru shouted as they walked to a spot.
"Well um--" Nagito was about to say something, but he was cutted off by Nanami."
"Since we are official..I think.." Nanami said with her usual monotone.Nagito kinda jumped at what Chiaki said. So did everyone else.

"WHAT?!" Nekomaru and Akane said at the same time.
"But I--I thought Nagito liked.." Gundham and sonia said at the same time too.
"UAAAAAAAHHH?!" Ibuki and Kazuichi said in the same time three.
"Hmmph. I thought it was something more interesting!~" Hiyoko commented.
"Indeed. such a useless matter this is." Byakuya agreed.

I was feeling...sick. What? I thought they were friends? Now jealousy is overwhelming me...i..i..can't believe this. What's happening to me..?

Okay Guys Part 1 ends here~ Part 2 comin' up soon.

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