Winters of Russia

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Hold strong, raise your shield
draw out the arms, be ready to wield
for soon will be true, our worst fear
as the winter of russia marches here.

Silently it advances, with an assassin's stealth
it spares none, the poor or with wealth
with the cold hearted waves, freezing the time
sweeping the lives, singing in rhyme.

Hold on to everything, which to you is dear
because the winter of russia marches here
feeding the white, the trees sans leaf
the wind carries chills, with the warmth of grief.

Fiercely it pounces with devastating malice

rests in peace the soul forever,in grips so deadly and vice

cease your thoughts, listen to the's near
 The winter of russia marches here.


The men with shields fell,
their terror you could tell
as breath froze in lung,
their prayers went unsung
the reign of terror ran wild,
as the death had come veiled.

And thus another invasion the russian soil survived,
because finally, the winter of russia had arrived.  

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