Cruel or Not?

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"Mama!!!"a girl scream as the pain on her eyes strikes again"it's okay baby.. don't cry.. you'll be okay.."a lady said while her voice is shaking and running as her daughter being run to the emergency room as the doctors and nurses are assisting them..

"Ma'am we're sorry but please wait can't go inside!"the nurse said closing the E.R's door but you can hear the little girl's last scream"Mama!!!Papa!!!!"

The lady suddenly cried and sob while her husband comfort supposed to be a happy occasion but this is what happened..

*3 hours later*

"Doc how's my Daughter?"the lady asked to the doctor who just came out from E.R who's almost 3 hours there..

"Mrs Smith your daughter is okay..her vital signs are good.. she's recovering well..but.."the doctor said pausing..

"But?"Mrs Agatha Smith asked to the doctor.. nervous and it showed perfectly as her hands shakes holding the doctor's coat..

"I'm sorry to say this..but your daughter is blind..the shattered pieces of glasses make contact to her eyes making her blind.."the hurtful truth slip from the doctor's lips..

"This..This is impossible.. Arthur!I heard it wrong right??"the lady asked to his husband almost in a hysteric way..

The man hugged him so tight making the lady cry more and whimper..

"She's just 7 years old Arthur!!!why did this happen to her?"the lady asked crying and sobbing..

This day supposed to be her 7th birthday and it should be happy but it ended tragically..

"Doc.. Is there anyway to find any way to make her see again?"The man asked firmly while comforting his wife even he's so broken inside..

"We could perform an eye transplant.."the doctor said making the lady stopped from crying and it seems new hope just been born..

"When can we do that?"The lady asked looking at his husband.. indicating they don't want to waste time for their daughter..

"Once again.. I'm sorry..we were looking if we have any compatible donated eyes for your daughter..but..none of them match.."the doctor said again making the lady lose any hope she had..

"But..we could wait for any eye donor.. could you wait for years or more for it? finding an eye donors isn't easy.."the doctor said..

"years?I think that's too long.. couldn't you make sure when?"the man asked to the doctor but was interrupted by his wife..

"We'll long you make sure our daughter will have a normal life again.."the lady said..

"Trust us Mrs Smith.. we'll do anything.."the Doctor smiled..

-At the little girl's room-

"Mom?Dad?"the little girl asked to no one..she tried to open her eyes but it won' was concealed by several bandages..

The girl starts to panick but someone grab her little hands.."it's okay dear.. you'll be okay.."a voice spoke..a very familiar voice to her that made her calm..

"Mom..why I can't open my eyes?"the girl asked innocently..

The lady seems taken aback from the little girl's question making her shut to silence..

"Honey.. we'll tell you something.."the man said making the girl beam upon hearing his papa's voice..

"Is it another surprise again?take off my blindfold then!!take it off!!"she said excitedly making the lady cry once again..

"Honey.."the man said trying to pick the right words..

"Yes papa?"the girls said seems to forget what happened..

"You're blind.. I'm sorry princess.."her father said to her and hug her tightly and making the lady cry more and hug her daughter..

"Ma!Pa!stop messi---"the little girl's sentence was cut as the recent events came..crushing her little world..

How the tower of glasses crashes when they accidentally hit it while they're playing at her birthday party and the shattered pieces of glasses making it's way to her eyes..

She cried making the bandages wet..
"I'm blind???"she asked crying.. and it seems she's not believing any of it..

"I'm so sorry dear.. I'm so sorry.."the lady cried and hug her tightly avoiding to touch the IV..

All of them fell into small cries and whimper as you can hear the Beeping sounds and the small grumbles of the monitor as it's background..

-months had passed-

Titania's P.O.V~

I was sitting at one of the Park's swing.. silently sitting one to talked..I have no friends since that day.. since that tragic day..they abandoned me..

I could hear children like me playing and running around..

My mom bring me here saying i should take fresh air..she was there sitting and looking at me.. observing me..

I look at nowhere specifically..
Of course.. because I'm foolish of me.

Suddenly I can feel someone stood in front of me..

"Hi!"a boy's voice spoke..

"Hi.."I said timidly..

"I'm Ethan..Ethan Hunter!And you are?"he asked and I can feel He's smiling..

"Titania Smith..."I still answered like a robot..

"What a beautiful name..suits you well..uhm why are you alone?"he asked confusedly and I can feel He's crouching in front of me.. what does he need?

"Because I'm blind.. now you may leave.."i said adding the last sentence so I'll never felt abandoned again..shooing them than shooing me felt okay.. nothing to be insecured  about..

The boy fell into silence..but then..he started rocking the swing for me slowly.."I'm now your friend.."he said and I can feel he's smiling..

"B.. but I'm blind!"I answered and can't believe what he's saying.. that's impossible!no one asked me to be their friends!

"I don't care!"he answered and his voice is full of honesty..

"Oh I know! I'll introduce you to my mom!"he said again..I felt his hands grab mine and pulling me to a direction somehow familiar..

"Mom!!I found a new friend!!"I heard him shouting excitedly and guiding me to a certain place..

"Calm down Ethan..oh..I know her!"the voice said seems so familiar to me..

"Aunt Elaine?"I asked.. she's my mother's friend..she have a son?

"You know her?oh hi Aunt Agatha!"I heard him saying my mother's name..
Oh he knows my mom?

"Hello Ethan..oh so you already meet Titania.."I heard my mom said..

So he's aunt Elaine's son?
I suddenly smiled..

"She smiled!"I heard him say it making me blush..this is embarrassing.. why's he so cheerful?

"Calm down Ethan.."I heard aunt Elaine said with a small chuckle..

I felt my mom hugs me..
I know she's happy for me for finding a new friend..
I know she is..

Words used:131
Except this note!!

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