9- House-Warming

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Same dayyyyy

Dinas pov.

It was now 4. I had taken everything out of the oven, had set the dining table and harris had got dressed. He wore something simple but cuyyyyuuuttttee.

 He wore something simple but cuyyyyuuuttttee

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We heard a knock on the door. I went to get it. I opened the door to Reunelle and Shaddy. 

"Ayyyyyy Dinaaaaa" they both said as they spudded me. 

"Hey boys" I laughed about to close the door.

"Wait wait wait theres still one more person about to come" Shaddy said opening the door again. I walked outside to the corridor and turned to the left..  

"AARRROOOONNN" I screamed as I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back rubbing my back. 

"Deeeens how you been, its been tooo long fam" He said pulling way and walking back to the flat.  There I see Harris staring at me, he seemed pissed off.

"Yeah I been good, Im glad your here." I said smiling as we walked back in. "Take a seat all of you"

"Ayyyy you man have an Xbox" Shaddy said grabbing the four controllers we had. "Come Harris lets all play a game of Fifa"

"Umm yh sure" He said seeming uncertain. Before he went into the living room, he grabbed me and pulled me close to him and started kissing my lips and then kissing my neck.

"OK OK Harris not now baby" I said. He got off me and went to play Fifa with Shaddy and Reunelle. As he went the door knocked again. I opened the door to greet my familyyyyy.

"Babaaa, Mamaaa, Samiiiiirah" I said hugging them each. 

"Aww habit, its been a whole week I haven't seen you" My mum said kissing my forehead and handing me some flowers and walking in. 

"Thank you mama" I said

"How have you been coping on your own" My mum said

"Mama I haven't been on my own I've been with Harris and he's taking care of me " I said "Most of the time" I mumbled under my breath. "Here mama, Baba let me take your coats"

"Thank you Dina" My dad said.

"you can hang your own coat up" I tuck my tongue out at Samirah, my little sister, and laughed. I put everyones coats in our room and gave my sister a chocolate bar. She sat on the sofa and had went on her phone.  Harris noticed that my family had came and instantly got up. 

"Salam Mr and Mrs Waleed" He said shaking my mum and dads hand.

"Salam Harrisss" My dad said. "Are you well?" He said

"Alhamdulilah" Harris replied. "Heyyy miraaaa, ay Shaddy Reunelle meet Samirah"

"Wysss my ggggg" Reunelle said high living her after he paused the game. 

"Heyyyy" Samirah laughed. "Aaron omg hey" She said not noticing Aaron was there.

"Miraaaa you okayyy" He said as he opened his arms for her to get up and go hug him. They all were socialising and that and about 10 mins later we heard the door knock again. I went to open the door and it was all of Harris' family. 

"Salam Amy" I said as I kissed harris' mum on the cheek. She greeted and kissed me back handing me a box of chocolates."Thank you for this" I said

"Your welcome love" she replied.

"Islaaa, Mayyyy" I said they both came to hug me. I touched Islas beautiful hair. And lead them into the house. 

"Heyy AJ" I smiled as he walked in. "Hey Yusha"

"Hey Deans" They greeted me back.

"Salam Rahim" I said as I shook Harris' Dads hand.

"Salam sweetheart." He said walking in. I closed the door behind them all.  Harris saw all of his family walk in and greeted them all. I saw May bonding with my little sister as they were a similar age. I loved seeing everyone together and happy. Harris Yusha and Reunelle were playing Fifa. My mum and Harris' mum were talking about work. My dad and Rahim were talking about politics. Isla was sitting on Shaddyswhile  and Aaron were on their phone freeing some new girl their obsessed about, she was a model and her name's Alliksandra. I loved the togetherness. I got the food ready and put it all on the table then called everyone so that we can all eat together.

"Say Bismillah everyone" Rahim said. All 14 of us sat around the table and said Bismillah. We all ate and everyone spoke to the person closest to them. I was speaking to my mum about life away from home. We were almost finished our food.

"Ill be back guys" Harris said, I'm just gonna go get something from the car. He left the table and went downstairs. No-one else had noticed as they were so into their conversations but I did. I told my mum id be back and took my heels off and wore my sliders so that he wouldn't hear me as I was walking behind him. He took the lift so I took the stairs. I saw him go to the car and grab something although I couldn't quite make out what it was. He went to where the bins were where everyone in the flats put their rubbish. I could see him. I could see what he was doing. Very clearly. 

Harris' pov

I had to do it, I knew it wasn't an appropriate time but I have to do it at specific times otherwise I flip. I had finished and turned around to see Dinas face. 

"All this time.. " She whispered loudly as a tear trickled down her face.


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