23- Gatwick Airport

401 13 6

3rd June 2017
Harris' pov

I had booked us a flight to France instead of Spain because it was closer. I booked a nice hotel in central Paris for 5 days. I had planned to go Disneyland Paris, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and alllaaa dat. I couldn't wait. The plane was leaving at 4.30 so we had to be at Gatwick at about 2 just to be safe.

We woke up at 11 and packed the last few things. We had gone shopping the day before to buy new clothes for deans as she was becoming a likkle fatty. While we were there I bought some clothes myself. It was about 1 and we had to leave soon because the journey took st least an hour. I went to my drawer to get my Ralph Lauren perfume which I hadn't used in ages, I reached to the back of the drawer and felt a little plastic bag. I pulled it out and saw that it was a bit of weed. I didn't know I had it rahhh. I was going to go to the toilet and flush it before Dina came in the room. I didn't want her to panic so I quickly slid it in the little side pockets in our suitcase.

"Harris, have you seen my make up bag?" She asked me looking around the room.

"Yeah it's there" I pointed to the floor near her side of the bed.

"Omg oh yeah" she laughed. I didn't want her to struggle while bending down so I went and picked it up for her.

"Thank you" she smiled.

"Always girl" I replied "after you've done your make up are you ready to go?"


"Good baby" I said as I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly. I kissed her forehead then knelt to kiss her stomach before I got back up.

"I'm gonna get dressed yeah, don't take too long we need to leave soon" I said. I went to get changed. Forgetting the bag of weed I had put in the suitcase.

Dinas pov.

At about 2 we finally left the house. I could tell Harris was pissed because we had left well after he expected us too. He dragged our suitcase and went threw it in the boot of the car. Despite the fact that he was annoyed he opened the door for me, I got in, he closed the door, walked round the car and got in himself. He started the engine and drove.

"Have we got everything" I asked him.

"yeah" he replied.

"Even passports?" I asked again.

"Yes" He replied. I still thought that he was annoyed so I just didn't talk to him until we got to the airport. When we got there he took the suitcase and my handbag out of the boot of the car and we walked in towards the desk.

 When we got there he took the suitcase and my handbag out of the boot of the car and we walked in towards the desk

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After they had taken our bags, checked our passports and we had gone through customs, we had 1 hour to spare. Harris didn't seem as annoyed anymore so as we were walking towards the shops I wanted to talk to him because things were still awkward. He was walking slightly in front of me so I walked a bit quicker and grabbed his hand and turned him around so he was facing me. I made a cute face and put on a baby accent.

"Are you mad at me" I asked smiling.

"No of course not" he laughed holding my hands. "Why would you think that"

"Idk you just weren't talking to me on the way here" I said to him swinging his hands. I saw him look to the floor.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it baby" he smiled. "You hungry? let's eat somewhere and then look around the shops and I'll treat you okay?"

"Yay okay" I said on my tiptoes smiling up at him. He picked up my bag, which I had put on the floor, and we walked hand in hand trying to find a restaurant to go to. After walking for ages we decided to go to a place called Girrafe. We walked in and waited to be seated. We chose the table for two near the window. Harris pulled out the chair for me then tucked it in and sat down himself.

"Such a gentleman" I joked

"Well of course😂" He replied. "Dyou know what your getting?" reading the menu.

"Yeahh I'll have the spicy rice bowl with chicken Malay curry" I said to him.

"Sn I'll get the same" He nodded. He called the waiter and ordered for us both. We got our food and it looked amazing.

It tasted even bettter

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It tasted even bettter. After we had finished eating Harris asked for the bill.

"I need to go toilet Harris I feel weird" I said to him.

"Are you okay? You want me to come with you ?"He looked concerned.

"Ill be fine" I calmly replied. I got up from my table and went to the bathroom. I went to the toilet and when I came out I was fine. I guess it was nothing. I washed my hands and went back to our table.

"You good?"He asked having payed already.

"Yeahhh it was nothing baby."  I smiled finding it cute how he got worried about the baby.

"Gooood, you ready to go?" He uttered.

We walked out of the restaurant and started going to a few shops. As we were walking we saw Gucci and so we walked in. Harris went to the men's section and I was on my way to the women's section before I saw all the beautiful baby clothes. I stopped and looked around.

"Harris come see this." I called. He came over and saw all the mini Gucci outfits

"We have to get our little one one" he grinned putting one hand on my back and one on my stomach. "Which one should we get?"

I looked around and finally picked out the cutest outfit.

"He'll look so cute in it" Harris said stroking my stomach before taking the outfit and going to pay

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"He'll look so cute in it" Harris said stroking my stomach before taking the outfit and going to pay. He came back and let me hold the bag because he knew I loved to hold all the shopping.

"I can't wait to see him wearing it" he smiled "three months to go b!" He put his arm around my neck and pulled me close to his chest so that he could kiss my head.

"I knowww" I smiled.

Our flight was going to leave in 20 mins so we walked to our terminal and waited there.

I couldn't wait for our little Paris trip.


Harris J - not as it seems😕Where stories live. Discover now