Chapter 2

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         I realized that I slept for half of a day when I yawned and opened my eyes. The sun was bright and I held my hands over my eyes. I found myself in a bed with the curtains open. As my vision cleared more, I saw the boy I was with yesterday, sitting in a chair next to my bed. "Hey. Finally up sleepyhead?"

        I groaned, "No, let me sleep!"

        He laughed, "If you want me to tell you about this island, you better get up!"

        I rolled my eyes and sat up in my bed, holding my pillow. "Well?"

       He took a deep breath, "Ok, so I guess I'll start with my name". He paused.

       I motioned for him to continue. He sighed, "Ok! So my name is Kyle. Kyle Hunter". 

       I nodded, "Parents?"

       He scratched his heaed, "Honestly, I ended up here just like you. I don't really know who my parents are, other than the fact that their last name was Hunter".

       I cleared my throat, "Ok, Kyle. Tell me about this island".

      Kyle sighed, "Well, I wound up on this diamond beach. You know, if you explored this place already you would have already realized that the 'sand' particles on the beach are not really sand. They are small grain-sized diamonds. Kind of fascinating actually, but mind you, stepping on one is like a stab to your chest".

      I cringed. "Thanks for the reminder!"

     He nodded, "Ok, so since I was the only inhabitant of this island, I decided to name it The Ebony..."

      "The Ebony?" I asked.

      "Yeah. Cringy name, I know. But you should really visit the forest sometime! They have some of the most beautiful Ebony Trees!"

       I nodded, and made a mental check-list. The first one being to never let Kyle go near Ebony Trees.

      He continued, "So, basically, I came with a friend, his name was Kadyn".

      I stared puzzling at him, "So, is Kadyn here right now?"

      Kyle looked away, "No... No, umm, Kadyn died. A few years back".

      I covered my mouth and closed my eyes, "Oh, gosh. Kyle, I know how you feel. According to my memories, I lost my younger sister at the age of 12. It felt awful seing her die on the hospital bead. "Lung Cancer", I think the doctor said. That's why she died. Oh, Kyle. Though I did not experience the moment, I can still feel the pain, and sorrow of that day!"

      Kyle nodded, "Yes. That's what happened to me. The truth is Sophie, I've been living on this island for about 80 years".

       I laughed, "Okay, Kyle. We're being serious here!"

       He gave me a death stare, "I am serious. Once you enter this island, you cannot leave. I'm not kidding. After a few years staying on the island, Kadyn felt bored and he wanted to leave the island. I told him it was not a good idea, thus the voices in my head have been telling me not to leave. Sophie, you have to trust your conscience to survive on this island. Kadyn didn't so he died. Kadyn made a tiny raft for two people out of Ebony Wood. The other reason why I wanted to name the Island The Ebony was because I wanted to keep Kadyn's spirit. Anyways, he asked me to come with him but I decline his offer. He got mad, and wanted to show me once and for all that I was wrong. You could leave the island. So he set out to sail in the sea, and not two minutes after he touched the water, a giant squid came out and capsized the boat. Kadyn drowned in the water. After this, I was shocked about what happened to Kadyn. So for the next few months, I created a raft, and let it drift about the water. A minute later, the same squid came up again and capsized the boat. By then, I already knew that there was no escaping from this island".

      I clapped, "Good story. Very good, Kyle! Now tell me the real truth about this island!"

     Kyle sighed, "Sophie, I know you won't believe me, but it's true. Unless you want the same fate as Kadyn, you have to trust your conscience, and most importantly, believe my story!"

     I smiled, "Kyle, it's alright. I'm not scared of this island. I know that story might seem frightening but I'm not scared. Also, I know Kadyn isn't real. He's just a fictional character in your story!"

     Kyle rubbed his temples, "Oh, and also. We don't age."

     I giggled again, "Kyle. Please stop! Stop making up stories, they are all soooo funny!"

     Kyle muttered under his breath, "You'll see. When it's two years already but it looks like we haven't aged a day". 

     "What's that?" I asked him.

      "Never mind," He said. "Also, let me tell you what happened when you appeared on the island". 

      I rolled my eyes, "Ok. But no more stories now!"

      He nodded, "Ok. So a day before your arrival (yesterday) there was a humongous storm with purple flashes of lightning.     

      I chewed on my lip, "Purple flashes of lightning?"

      He nodded. "That's not the usual color."

      I smirked at him, "Ok. Then what's the usual color?"

      He smirked back, "Blue. Just kidding. It's yellow."

       I laughed, "Ok, good. Because if it was blue, that would not be normal".

      He shook his head, "Let me continue. Anyways, let me continue. I knew it wasn't normal so I went out to investigate. Actually, there was really nothing going on other than the fact that there was purple lightning. But today,  a big hole appeared. It was really weird actually, this is,and is pretty normal most of the times. But yesterday wasn't normal. By the way, you jumped out of the hole. Like you didn't fall out, you jumped out. Like gravity went the other way."

      I nodded, "That actually makes sense. I felt like gravity was going the other way!" 

      He scratched his head, "See, I never knew how I got into the island. I'm pretty sure the same thing happened to me but I don't really remember because it was a long time ago."

     I narrowed my eyes, "I don't like how you stressed on the long time  ago."

     He sighed, "Believe it Sophie. It's true. And you'll realize it, when you're here on this island. You won't look like you aged a day. Honestly, I don't even know how old I am!" 

     "You look like an 80 year old man". I crossed my arms.

      He chuckled, "Yeah right."

      I giggled, "you look like a high-schooler!" 

      He had that far-away look in his eyes, "I don't remember Sophie! I'll never remember as long as I live! I won't understand what a high-schooler is. I'll never be one for that fact"!

     I tried to soother him, "Kyle. Kyle, listen to me. It'll be alright! Well get out of this island together!" 

    He shook his head, "Sophie. You don't understand! We'll NEVER get out of this island!"




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