chapter 2

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~Emily's POV~

I woke up an hour later in a white dress? I thought I was wearing a purple shirt and jeans. I looked up at my hands were cuffed. So were my legs. How did I end up like this? I looked to my right and saw Ken. He was in his boxers.

"Ken, what happened?" I asked.

He turned around and had smirk on his face. "It was a good thing you are staying with me." Ken said, getting on the bed. "Because I can do this all day."

"I thought you were my best friend." I cried.

"You thought wrong." He said.

I can't believe he's going to rape me. "Ken, please don't do this." I said.

"I can do what I please." He hissed.

He started to lift the dress up my thighs and my legs. When he saw my underwear he took them off and through them on the floor. Then he took off his boxers. "Someone, help!" I screamed. "Help!"

He covered my mouth and told me to shut up. Like I'm going to listen. When he got mad he would slap me in the face. Sooner or later stopped until he put member in me. It hurt so bad. It felt like fire works were exploding inside of me. That's when I started to scream and cry.

Later he stopped and got dressed. He uncuffed me and got off the bed. When he went in the bathroom I got off the bed. I fell on the floor. I crawled and I saw my phone on the dresser. I heard him coming out of the bathroom. I'm not going to get the phone in time. But I still tired. Of course he saw me and got on top off me.

Slap! "Where do you think your going?" Slap! "Your not going any where." Ken said, dragging me to my bed.

"Why did you rape me?" I asked.

He looked at me. He ignored me and took my phone and locked the door when he left.


The next morning, I couldn't move. My body feels like some dropped me from a building and let me fall on a car. I got up slowly and leaned against the wall. I went in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror..oh my gosh. My cheeks are bruised really bad. Then I lifted up the white dress and saw my legs. They had hand prints on them. My arms too.

It was Monday and it was very quiet. I used a bobby pin to open the door. I opened it slowly so Ken wont hear me come out. I looked right and then left. I closed the door. I went down stairs, Ken wasn't down there. I searched for a phone in the house. Ha! I found one. I called 911 and they answered Ken came behind me and through the phone. He slapped me twice in the face. And then kicked me in the stomach when I fell on the floor. I think he busted my lip because right away tasted blood.

"Go to your room and shower now. I have guest that are coming tonight for dinner." Ken said. "Make sure you put on a dress and a sweater."

I went up stairs and took a shower. I put on a yellow dress on with a white sweater and pink flats. I let my dark brown hair down. I tired to cover my bruises up with my make up but it didn't do much.

When I was walking down the steps I saw I think I saw his friends. I never met his friends over the past years I've known him. It was a young men and young woman. She smiled at me and waved at me. I smiled back.

"Emily, these are my other close friends." Ken said. "This is Carlos and Madison."

"Hi, Madison and Carlos. It's nice meeting you both." I smiled, well tired.

We went to the dinner table. The dinner was sent on the table. When I sat on the chair, tears came down my face but I had to wipe them so that Carlos and Madison would see me.

"So Emily, are you staying with Ken?" Carlos asked.

"Yes." I said. "My grandmother passed away and I had no one to stay with."

"She's one of my best friends." Ken said. Ken kept rubbing my thigh and I kept hitting my knee on the table.

"Emily, are you ok?" Madison asked, looking worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

Everyone was eating and talking until they finished there food. When Madison and Carlos left I knew I was getting big time beat down.

"You are going to pay for calling the police, Emily." Ken said.

"Ken, please, I'm sorry." I cried. "Don't hurt me."

He chuckled. Ken beat me down until I was bleeding. After he was done he went up stairs I was on the floor. I couldn't move and I couldn't scream either. I just laid there in pain and stupidness because I picked this place to stay at for the rest of my life. If I'm even lucky enough I might live to run away. Like Freedom.

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