chapter 7

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~Emily's POV~

I was running in the woods. Tree branch's hitting my face. Ken was chasing me. He was catching up to me so I had to run faster. It was very dark outside. So it was very hard for me to see where I was going. I looked back and saw Ken still running after me. When I turned my head back I hit a tree. It hit my nose. But I couldn't stop because if I did Ken will hurt me again. As I was covering my nose I saw a cabin. I ran in there. I locked the door. There was a telephone. I called 911 but the line was cut off.

"Shit!" I said, throwing the phone. As I tired to look for something to block the door Ken started to bang on the door.

"Open the door, Emily!" Ken yelled.

"Never!" I cried. I was scared that he was going to hurt me or even kill me. I put a chair underneath the door numb. Then I ran in a room and went under the bed.

Ken broke the door and looked everywhere in the cabin. He came in the room and looked in the bathroom.

"Emily, just come out." Ken said. "Everything will be easier if you do."

He finally left and closed the door. I sighed in reef. I was about to come out from under the bed but I was yanked.

Ken smiled and said, "There you are my sweet, Emily!" Ken said.  

I cried and started to scream. I was punching him on the chest but it didn't work.

"Emily, Emily, Emily!" Ken yelled.

~Harry's POV~

Emily was screaming and crying on the top of her lungs. Her hands were like going ever where. I yelled her name a couple of times but she was still screaming. I grabbed her wrist.

"Emily, wake up!" I said.

Emily's eyes popped open. "Harry...I'm so sorry." Emily cried. "I didn't mean to.."

Emily was scared. I could tell in her eyes that she was very scared. "No. I understand, Emily. You just had a nightmare." I said, hugging her.

"I was just scared." She said, crying into my arms. Poor Emily. The lads came in the room with water.

"Here some water, Emily." Niall said. "It's ok your safe here."

Emily took the water and drank some of it. "Thanks." She said.

"Emily on Tuesday we have to take you to court to press charges on Ken." I said.

She nodded. "I understand."

"Well, get some rest." I said.

Emily laid back down. I put the overs over her. "Goodnight, love." I said, as I kissed her cheek.

Emily smiled. "Goodnight, Harry." She said, closing her eyes.

Me and the lads walked out her room and sighed. "Poor, Emily." Zayn said. "She has been through a lot."

I nodded. "It's sad that she has nightmares and that she's very hurt." I said. 

Emily is in very bad condition right now. On Monday Me and the lads are going to take her to the doctors and then take her out or something. She needs to smile more and laugh. I can tell she's a very bright girl and she needs to let her shine out. Emily needs friends that can support her. Emily needs to be free. If I didn't take Emily in then she would probably be somewhere maybe still in the hospital. I did hit her pretty bad...

"So on Tuesday, we should take Emily to the movies." Liam said. "She likes to watch them most of the time when she's alone in the living room."

"Ok but what movie?" Louis said.

"Any movie she wants to see." I said. "I bet people are going to think that I'm dating her because they saw me walk the in hospital and they saw me take her in the car."

"Well you got that right because it's all over the news." Zayn said, pointing to the t.v.

"Today news is Harry Styles and this girl name Emily Rudd coming out of the hospital? Emily looks badly hurt. Is this Harry's new girlfriend or is she his close friend? Well you can find out on the Saturday night live when they have there inter view."   The lady said.

"Oh yeah, is Emily coming with us?" Zayn asked.

"She's going to have to. We can't leave here by her self. She can't walk around the house." I said.

It was now 7:00 a.m. it was of course Saturday. And we had the inter view at like 9:00 p.m. Me and the boys thought we could get Emily some new clothes and shoes. I think it would be nice.

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