A Softer Side/Chapter 3

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No, this was nothing to worry about.  Anyone would blush around a guy that looked as though he walked straight from a magazine.

But the jerk noticed.

"Awwww, you blushing princess?" He asked, smirking.

"You know what? I just saved your ass from being blown up, so why don't you just buy me my happy meal." I snapped.

I wasn't sure where my fear had gone. I guess the fact that he wasn't being pointedly scary could have to do with it. I had actually seen him smile. Show emotion. I guess mister magazine was human. That helped.

Besides I was pissed.

I tended to lose my reasoning when I was pissed. That little voice that said, no Alex! Don't yell at the leader of the EastSide who could kill you in literally seconds!

I dunno it just kinda went away when I was pissed.

Case fake pouted, which made him look like an adorable puppy, but you could see the mocking in his eyes.
"So you want a happy meal love? Can I keep the toy?" He asked in fake excitement.

"I'm about to walk home." I threatened.

He put his hands up,
"ok, ok, sorry princess," he smiled as he took my hand, causing my whole body to tense, and started walking to the door,

"Uh, no." I said, jerking my hand away from him.

He opened the door for me, "I am forever in you service, for saving my ass from being blown up." He mocked me.

I rolled my eyes and walked through the door,

I knew he was just playing with me. but here's the thing about Case Woods, he didn't sleep around, if you know what I mean. I know he's had a few girlfriends, no more than three. He didn't seem to be very interested in sex, unlike every other guy in our school. I mean, I knew almost nothing about him. But I heard rumors, and he was never in the ones with the slutty girls who would sleep with anyone.

Just the gang ones.

So that was nice I guess.  He wasn't a man whore like everyone else in this town. Which was odd, because I knew he could most likely get whatever girl he wanted with those eyes.

Moving on.

He pulled out the chair for me in mock servitude. I pulled out a different chair and sat there.

He pouted. 
"Meanie." He mumbled like a child.

The leader of a gang just called me a meanie.

I rolled my eyes as he went to order.

His friends, which I had forgotten were there, sat in the booth across from me.

They weren't as cute as Case,


Just know, because I say their cute doesn't mean I like them. That sickens me. I mean duh, their hot, that's obvious. But how can I like someone I don't even know? It's weird. This applies to Case as well for your information.

They were looking at me, like they were trying to size me up. I, insecure me, kept my eyes down. Just waiting.

"So your what, 12?" Asked one of them.

"15..." I mumbled.

"Oh. Why're you so tiny?" Asked the other,

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