Pictures/ Chapter 21

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Cases P.O.V.

"Oh fuck..." I said, trying to control my anger as I looked at the pictures. "Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I yelled, throwing my phone against the ground.

Harley looked alarmed "What?" He demanded.

We were on our way out to the car, "nothing Harley! Nothing is fucking WRONG!" My anger bubbled over,

Now, I expected this. Of course I did. It's just what you did when you kidnapped someone. Let me note that this didn't make it any better.

Harley picked up my phone and froze. "Oh my...o-oh my God..."

Harley was more shocked than angry. I might have even felt bad for the guy if he didn't annoy me so much.

I grabbed my phone back from him and put it in my pocket. The screen was shattered.

Harley was shaking, seeming frozen in place.

"Stop it. She's going to be fine. Get in the car." I growled, not in the mood. When he didn't move, I walked over and slapped him across the face. "I said get in the damn car, Harley!" I yelled then went towards the it.

Harley looked at me, "Are you fucking serious?" He asked furiously.

I turned to him. "What?" I demanded.

"Did you not see the pictures!? Give them what they want Woods! Get my sister back!" Harley yelled,

I wanted to scream at how ignorant he was. "You know what they want? They want revenge. There is nothing I can do to stop them."

He glared in a deadly way. "Bribe them."

"No. That wouldn't work, they'd kill her all the same-"

"They're planning on killing her!?" He gasped.

"Maybe. Depends on how she acts. I tried to talk to her about it..." I trailed off, pretty sure she hadn't been listening to me anyways.

"What can we do?" Harley asked, looking at me. He was trying to seem angry and intimidating but come off as more desperate.

"Take her by force is pretty much our only option." I explained.

"And if we fail?" He asked

"Then we all die. This is why I tried so hard to keep her safe!"

"But you couldn't." Snapped Harley.

He fists clenched, But I couldn't bring myself to answer. I got into the car and waited for Harley.

He got in and slammed the door. I groaned,

"What did you do for them to want revenge?" He asked angrily.

I hesitated, I hadn't told Alex about any of that, and well, look where it got me. "The leader of the WestSide and I, we have a history. I'm betting the SouthSide helped because they formed an alliance. So that's just wonderful." I said sarcastically, starting the car. "That or they were bored."

Harley glared at me. "Bored?"

"Yeah." I said, not looking at him as I put the car into drive and started off.

"Who's the leader of the SouthSide?" He asked

"Not sure. I've got a few spies there. But they might be dead by now."

"Dead? You sent some guys in there and you really don't give a fuck about them?" He asked angrily.

I could barley contain my annoyance, "Your fucking clueless. They chose to go in. And I said might. Also I don't have time to grieve about what might be because I'm busy with shit like this." I snapped

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