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   Standing up, Jungkook rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, stretching until he heard a satisfying crack. Looking around the room, Jungkook noticed that Jimin wasn't in his bed, nor was he in the bathroom.

   "That bitch and his bubble tea, I swear," Jungkook muttered to himself, concluding that the older male had gone to get breakfast.

   Walking into the bathroom to take a shower, Jungkook started thinking of the night before, the image of Taehyung under him, writhing, his cheeks pink, and his lips-- and Jungkook's hard.

   "Fuck," he cursed aloud, quickly jumping into the shower to get rid of his 'problem'.


   Walking out of the bathroom, cheeks warm and flushed from the water ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° , Jungkook threw on some clothes for the day, gathering everything in his book bag.

   Leaving the room and locking the door behind him, Jungkook began his walk to the snack room, deciding to get breakfast and scope out for his roommate.

   '*internally chokes*' Jungkook's mind decide to do as his eyes landed on Jimin and Taehyung, and another dude that Jungkook already didn't like.

   'Who this bitch with his arm on my man?' Jungkook asked himself, the arm around Taehyung's shoulder ticking him off. He picked up his speed so he could get over to the trio quicker.

   "Hey, Jungkook! Meet YoonWoo, he's a transfer here," Jimin exclaimed as he saw Jungkook approachmaking them.
   "Ah, morning, Kookie!" Taehyung exclaimed, the unique smile on his face making Jungkook's own smile appear.

   And then it left when YoonWhatever spoke up.

   "Hello, Jungkook. Nice to meet you," YoonWoo started, putting his unoccupied hand out for Jungkook to shake.

   "Yeah. Jimin, I need to talk to you," Jungkook said, making the two other boys confused on his behavior. But Jimin understood right away.

   "What the actual fuck?! Why are you letting that guy do that to Tae?" Jungkook scowled to Jimin when the two were far enough away from the other two.

   "I don't know what you mean," Jimin replied, trying his best to keep his smug smile off his face, his voice alone giving his façade away.

   "You know damn well what I mean," Jungkook hissed, his eyes glancing between Jimin's stupid face and Taehyung.

   "Look, apparently they both do ASMR. That's how they got along. And besides, Tae's allowed to have other friends. Don't go all yandere," Jimin said, honestly surprised by Jungkook's possessive nature. He was never like this before.

   "I-I'm not yandere," Jungkook stuttered, baffled by being labeled such a name. Looking back over to the two males, Jungkook could say, yes he was jealous. Extremely so. How come other people could get along with Taehyung so easily, but he got so embarrassed and froze up even in the same room as him? It really was unfair.

   "Come on, they probably think you're weird," Jimin said, bringing Jungkook out of his jealous haze.

   "Class starts soon, we should go," Taehyung said when the two Busan boys made it back to the table, standing up along with YoonWoo.

   "What class do you have right now, YoonWoo hyung?" Jimin asked, looking over to the older male, who still had his arm thrown around Taehyung's shoulder.

   "Neurology," he answered, a gasp leaving Taehyung's lips.

   "That's cool! I wish I could do neurology, but I have music history," he babbled, the three other males smiling at his excitement for something educational.

   He's the only one.

   "Hah, it's not that great," YoonWoo shook his head, having to depart from the cute male beside him, his class on the other side of the hall.

   "Bye, YoonYoon!" Taehyung said, waving at the older, smile beaming.

   "YoonYoon? Wow, Tae," Jimin laughed at the childish nickname.

   "What? I think it sounds cute," Taehyung argued, his lips turning down in a pout.

   "Not as cute as Kookie," Jungkook muttered to himself, Jimin hearing it and smirking to himself.

   "Yeah, but not as cute as Kookie," Jimin repeated smugly, taking his seat before Jungkook could knock him out with his book bag.

   "Yeah, Jungkookie is the cutest," Taehyung said, his eyes becoming crescents as his smile reappeared. Jungkook sat down, turning his head away from the silver-haired male before he could see the blush that slapped its way on the youngest males face.

   'Lord end me,' Jungkook groaned to himself.

I know I said I'd be inactive for awhile, but writing is calming me rn.

And I lOve Hwarang, and YeoSung (YoonWoo and Taehyung's chars ship in Hwarang), so be expecting him and jealousy (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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