Jonghyun 😭😭😭

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Author gila terkejut semalam waktu kawan author bagitau pasal ada news tentang Jonghyun. First author tak nak percaya...Siap cakap macam ni lagi,

"Ntah2 esok tau2 ja prank..Yang tu aku nak fly p Korea then tampar muka dia,"

Sebab waktu tu belum ada statement dari SM lagi..

Tapi, tak lama lepas tu, dah ada lagi news ckp SM dah confirm. Lagi author terkejut.

Author tak lah sedih sebab author bukannya Shawol yang ultimate. Author mengaku Shawol sebab author layan semua artists under SM..

Tapi author gila2 terkejut. Macam...Tak tau lah nak cakap..

Mendiang cakap, dia terasa loneliness. Katanya tak dak orang pernah ckap kat dia ayat macam 'you work really hard'. Author rasa mungkin dia rasa tak dihargai. Dia cakap semua masalah dan sedih yang dia rasa, semua dtang dari diri dia sendiri.

Last2 dia suicide. Siap guna Monoxide apa ke benda tah pulak tu. Haih..

We lost one of the best main vocalists in Kpop Industry. And here is my last speech for him.

You already worked hard for the past 9 years..Although I actually became kpop fan 2 years ago 😓. I didn't even know him back then..But when I knew him, he became one of the most idols that I truly respect. All his works are masterpieces including Exo's Playboy.

His voice was really wow. His attitude, his what else? His passion on his job. I really respect him. And all of these are from the bottom of my heart.

Rest In peace, Kim Jonghyun. We cant see you, but you will always be in our hearts..

Saranghae 💕

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