Chapter 1: The New Normal

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Renesmee's POV

It's dark I can't see anything, and I can't breathe I open my mouth and I taste dirt. I scratch and claw at the dirt but there's so much of it. Just as I'm about to give up I see a little bit of light so I keep going. I pull myself up out of the ground and cough up dirt after I'm completely out. I look around and I realize where I am; I'm in the woods in Italy. And I'm wearing the same dress and it's covered in blood, I see something move in the trees. 

"Who's there?" I say then I hear laughing I recognize the voice and I start running. I can hear someone running after me but I don't turn around. I'm running as fast as I can but whoever is chasing me is fast and their right on top of me. Then out of nowhere a clawed hand swipes at my ankle and I fall, then what ever it is starts clawing at me. I taste blood in my mouth. 

"This isn't real Renesmee your dreaming" I said to myself. "Wake up! WAKE UP!!!!" I yell. 

I bolt straight up in bed covered in sweat and tangled in my sheets. 

"Ness are you okay?" Stef asks I shake my head no "which one was it this time?" she asks. 

"Buried.... Chased" I get out between breaths 

"Oh" she said going into the bathroom she comes back with a cold wash cloth. Then I start choking, I run to the bathroom and I throw up.

"This is definitely getting worse" Stef says when I'm done 

"I can handle it" I insist 

"Really because you just threw up a small mouton of dirt Ness. These nightmares are starting to leak into the real world" she said sounding worried. 

"What time is it?" I ask 

"Four am, and don't change the subject" she said. 

I sigh and sit down I've been having these nightmares since a week after Italy. Everything seemed fine Stephanie and her mom moved to Forks. My dad's finally okay with Jake and me being together, Grandpa Charlie is getting married and everyone is happy. Then the nightmares started I was able to hide them for a while. When I started screaming in my sleep Stef got suspicious and I told her about them, I'm able to hide the nightmares from everyone else by sleeping at Stef's house most nights. 

The only other person that knows about the nightmares is Alec. He stuck around after all the stuff that happened. Stef and her mom let him move in with them, and he's sort of like a brother to me now. Even though the rest of my family is still weary of him (except for Uncle Emmett). 

"Are you okay?" Alec asks walking into the bathroom

"No she's not! She's tired, burning up-" 

"And bruised" Alec said looking at my ankle. Stef and I follow his gaze and there are five long scratches on it.

"Well that's new" I said 

"That's not good" Stef said examining it. "Can you walk?"

"Um" I said trying to stand "yea I'm good" I lie

"Well then let's get you fixed up" she said going to the kitchen 

"You need help don't you" Alec said after Stef is out of hearing range. 

"Is it that obvious?" 

"Just to me" he said  helping me to the kitchen. 

When we get to the kitchen Stef is busy making me her special blood mixture. It's just blood and some herbs that aid the healing process, it's been keeping me from looking like the zombie I feel like. One of the many side effects of these nightmares is that I don't really get any rest. Sometimes I don't have nightmares and I get a full night's rest but most night's my sleep is haunted by these nightmares. 

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