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Chapter Eight

Tension had been high in the house for a few weeks. The two Cal's special team had been preparing for a very big mission, so big that Calfreezy was scared to bring Harry.

"It's way too dangerous! He'll get himself hurt!" Freezy yelled.

"He's been on so many jobs with us, let the kid prove himself!" Lux yelled back.

"But what if he gets hurt hm? He may be invisible but he's not fucking invincible." Freezy snapped.

"Why don't we just leave Harry decide if he wants to be a part of it?" Lux suggested. Then as if it was perfect timing Harry walked into the kitchen.

"Let me decide what?" Harry asked, clearly not seeing the annoyed look on Calfreezy's face.

"Nothing Cal's being stupid." Freezy snapped.

"Basically we've got a very big mission towards the end of this year, I think you're ready but Freezy doesn't." Lux said with a roll of his eye.

"Oh." Harry answered, he was a bit hurt as he had been training so hard and it was only last week that Callux had sat Harry down and said that the two Cal's were proud of the progress he had made.

Callux's phone started to ring, he answered it, then informed the two others he had to leave. Harry went into the living room to sit down after saying goodbye to Lux.

Calfreezy felt bad, he could see that Harry was slightly upset so he followed him into the living room and took a seat next to him. Harry turned his head away from Cal, he still acted like a child from time to time.

"Look Harry, I didn't mean to upset you, the thing is you are my responsibility. If you get hurt it's my fault." Cal said, gaining attention the youngers attention. Calfreezy rested a hand a Harry's thigh before continuing.

"Lux and I are both so proud of how far you've come and how many criminals you've helped us capture. I care so much about you, even if I act like a dick head most of the time." Cal admitted. "If you really want to have a part in the mission you can, but you need to promise me you'll train as hard as you can."

"Yes I promise." Harry said, trying to contain his excitement.

"We leave in an hour to go over the mission brief and then some intensive training."

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