Chapter Four

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Meeting the Cat

"Waa... No!!! My mom's picture is still in the tent!!" Tohru cried out, running towards the landslide, digging with her hands. "Mama!!!" She frantically dug at the dirt, trying to get out her picture of her mother while bawling her eyes out. Worriedly, Yuki reached out to stop her.

"Ms. Honda?!" he exclaimed, surprised by her reaction. "Ms. Honda! Calm down, you still have a fever!" He tried to pull her back, but she insisted on digging, crying about her mom being hurt and how she needs to get her out quickly otherwise she'll get worse.

Sighing, Shigure patted Tohru on the head gently. "Let's come back tomorrow morning," he offered, smiling at her kindly trying to reassure her "If a landslide happens again, you might hurt yourself... Your mom would feel even worse..." Tohru nodded absent mindedly, letting Yuki and Izzy lead her away from the mess and back to the house. Once there, Shigure helped lay her down and care for her as the others went to go find medicine and ice for her.

Sniffling, Tohru began to whimper softly. "I'm sorry.. Now... I've lost my house again..." she said softly covering herself with the blanket. Shigure looked at her confused and asked if she really feels that bad about it. "No, because I know.... There are worse things." Shigure questioned her a bit further, wondering why she said it was so as Izzy listened outside, wondering how a girl so hurt could smile so much.

(Tohru's story. Again, skip if you want, read if you haven't heard it)

I didn't tell her.... to be careful on the road.... That morning of the car accident... Because I had a test, I studied till morning and overslept, I couldn't get up... Only that morning I... Usually... Every morning I would say it... Only that day.. I.. I didn't want to attend high school, I wanted to work. But mom said, "I only finished middle school... But I wanted to be a highschool student! So you must try the high school life for me!"... I know she always worked hard for me.... But I didn't tell her... To be careful... Even when she left, I didn't watch her leave... I'm so stupid! Even if I failed, or the house got blown away, I really don't care... The most important thing is my mom... So, at least.... Finish my mom's wish to enter... And finish high school.... This is my goal... I can't lose to this little...fever...

(End of her back story)

Yuki walked up behind Isabelle and into the room just as Tohru dozed off into a peaceful land of sleep. " Asleep?" he asked Shigure, nodding towards Tohru. Shigure shook his head yes and turned back to the sleeping brunette. "I'm shocked. At school, she's always very happy... As if the pain and suffering never come close... She is tough. I... I wanted to leave the Sohma family... But, still end up staying on Sohma family land... If I really hated this life, I should be like Ms. Honda... And live in a tent or go to some unknown place. I am so naive, right?" Yuki trailed off looking very upset with himself. Though, when Shigure shook his head, he looked up, surprised.

"You are still the young master," Shigure explained with a chuckle, hitting Yuki on the head softly with his fan. "Tohru and your thinking is totally different. And saying she's tough, it's rude!" Smiling, Yuki got up and nodded his head in agreement then said for him to watch Tohru. "Where are you going....? Going to dig her things out? I'll come with you. It will be difficult with one person," Shigure offered but Yuki just shook his head and Izzy finally piped up a word after all of this.

"I'll come with. Yuki, you don't need to go by yourself, besides it will go faster with my wolves helping," Izzy explained, heading over to the door and opening it. A gust of cool air blew her hair back a bit and she grinned happily. "It feels great out!"

For a few minutes, they walk in silence, watching the dark, graceful night spread out throughout the forest. In the distance, fireflies sparkled above a still pond as it reflected the stars, moon, and the scenery around. Dipping off the path, Yuki lead the way to Tohru's tent, then suddenly stopped, making Isabelle bump into him hard. "Miss Frost, do you mind if Miss Honda stays with us? You would have to share your room with her, but we can't just leave her out here to defend for herself," he asked, turning to look at Izzy, smiling shyly.

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