Chapter Five

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The Runaway

Sighing sadly, Yuki turned to Tohru and Kyo and frowned. "Miss Honda, Kyo," he spoke, rudely saying Kyo's name with a dismissive tone, "Miss Frost may have gotten lost outside in the forest and I think she may be mad at shigure and I." Pausing for a moment, Yuki swallowed his annoyance and glanced over at Kyo. "Would you two go look for her? It would smarter if it was one of you that found her," he explained, not going to detail on why she may be upset or why it would be better if they were to find her. As much as he despised asking Kyo for help, it was for the best.

Fuming, Kyo jumped up and snapped around to glared at Yuki. "Why should I, you damn rat?! She's not my problem and a girl shouldn't be here anyways!" he spatted, advancing on Yuki. Worriedly, Tohru glanced between the two boys before slowly making her way to the door. Calling back, she told them that she would go look for Izzy and that it had started pouring out. Taking an umbrella, she quietly made her way towards the forest.

Turning back towards Kyo, Yuki rolled his dull violet eyes and frowned. "If I fight you, stupid cat, and win, will you go try to find Miss Frost?" he asked, mentally sighing to himself. Of course he would say yes, Kyo always jumps at the chance to try and prove himself stronger than Yuki, though it never works. Yuki knew this and used it as bait to lure Kyo into doing what he wanted.

"Hell yeah! I'll beat you this time, pretty boy!" Kyo declared, launching himself at Yuki to catch him off guard. Again, Yuki just rolled his eyes and gracefully dodged away from the viscous attack. Yuki clearly wanted to end it quickly as just as he dodged, he side kicked Kyo, using Kyo's momentum against himself and sent the orange haired boy crashing out through the traditional sliding doors. Waving Kyo off into the rain to find the petite wolf girl, Yuki went back upstairs to finish fixing up the girls' stuffy room. As much as Kyo hated Yuki, he would keep his word.


Rain poured down throughout the somber forest as Kyo stomped and thrashed his way through the ferns and trees. Under his breath, he mumbled stuff about 'the damn rat' and how he hated the rain. After several minutes of struggling to get through the foliage, he found a clearing with a tranquil stream trickling that ran back into the forest. Near the base of where the stream started, there was a gnarled oak tree surrounded by bushes and ferns; tired and seeking refuge from the rain, Kyo struggled over to the tree and plopped down next to it.

"G-get away from me..." a feminine voice emitted from the tree, practically growling like a wolf. Startled, Kyo jumped up and backed away from the 'talking' tree. "Y-you.. you were the one that was the cat, right? Thank you for making me realize that they were lying to me..." the voice trailed off, punctured by sniffling and coughing. Realizing what was going on, Kyo walked around to the other side of the tree and pushed away the ferns to reveal a honey colored wolf and a slightly larger dusty grey wolf staring up at him. Unsure of what to make of the situation, he just stared at the two of them in shock, wondering what in the hell was going on.

Sighing, Kyo frowned at the golden runt. "Look, blondie, I don't know what Yuki and Shigure did to you, but," he looked her dead in the eyes, then looked away, "you need to stop crying and get your ass back there before they come beat mine for not getting you back." Sitting down, he glared back at the grey wolf that looked as if he was about to attack Kyo. Izzy noticed and nudged her new friend.

"It's okay Kota, he isn't a treat," Izzy mumbled, nuzzling her protective friend. Putting his head back down on his paws, Kota relaxed slightly but still kept a wary eye on Kyo, ready to defend his friend if need be. Looking back up, Izzy gave her best wolf smile she could muster and apologized, "Sorry... Kyo, right?" he nodded for her to continue, "Whenever I'm upset, the other wolves get protective of me and they aren't sure who it was that made me upset, so they are defensive to everyone... I'm guessing it's the same for you, but instead of wolves, it would be cats, right?"

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