Lucky Lucy Heartfilia

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Before I begin I would just like to say that this story is entirely for the entertainment of other Fairy Tail fans, or even those who are simply interested in the storyline! I'll definitely try my best to keep all characters similar to their personalities in the official manga produced by Hiro Mashima himself, but if I slip up, don't hesitate to tell me! I'm always open to constructive criticism.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters referenced or included within this story, just a profound admiration for them.

The incessant ringing of the alarm clock placed tactically beside the blonde's head was enough for anyone to roll out of the wrong side of the bed on any morning, no matter the weather. And Lucy Heartfilia may have indeed had a decline in patience if it wasn't for the nausea of stepping into unchartered territory; an entirely new school. The seventeen year-old was never one to be stubborn to the idea of trying something new, but changing schools after six long years wasn't entirely elating.

Fumbling around her wardrobe for something practical yet fashionable to wear to her first day, she mentally checked off the items she had packed in her bag the day before. After all, it was better to be safe than sorry, right? And she was desperate for all plans to go smoothly. No problems, no bad reputation.

Lucy stepped out onto the sidewalk, pushing her lunch into her bag. She had been tempted to utter a word of goodbye to her father this morning, but the stone cold expression on his face when she peeked through to his study convinced her otherwise. It was a complicated relationship, and although her house staff claimed he only had her best interests at heart, sometimes when the going got tough she struggled to find the silver linings. Lucy was never one to speak out of turn, however, and her true feelings always remained unspoken. Nonetheless, she never let them put a damper on other aspects of her life and always focussed her energy into remaining positive and generous.

The bus was crowded but not uncomfortably so. Lucy watched as students from neighbouring schools slowly piled on stop after stop, she recognised some of the emblems as Sabertooth Academy and Lamia Scale High. Despite the quiet chatter, there was a noticeable tension between the differing schools. Perhaps bad sportsmanship in an inter-schools game of football? She glanced around for any sign of students travelling to Fairy Tail, hopeful that she might find someone kind enough to show her the ropes.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sharp shove, sending her stumbling forward and grasping for a nearby pole. "Hey! What's the big idea?"

Lucy turned frustratedly to see a small, bluenette struggling to keep ahold of the books piled into her arms. The girl looked sheepish and apologetic, trying to steady herself before she spoke.

"I am so sorry! I tripped on someone's bag back there and accidentally bumped into you. Are you alright?" The girl's genuine concern relaxed Lucy's exasperation. Standing up straight, she offered her a smile.

"Oh my. It's okay, honest. I guess Monday mornings aren't really my friend when it comes to bad moods. Sorry about that."

The girl's expression shifted from guilt to relief within mere seconds, she returned Lucy's smile and shifted her books onto one arm to hold out her hand. "The name's Levy McGarden, what's yours?"

"Lucy Heartfilia." She said, shaking Levy's hand.

"I haven't seen you around here before. What school do you belong to?"

"I just moved here, actually. I'm transferring to Fairy Tail High for my final year, honestly I'm a little nervous, I've heard so much about them and their antics in the local newspapers!" She said. Levy's eyes widened and she grinned from ear to ear.

"Well you're lucky Lucy! That's my stop too. I can be a tour guide and maybe show you how the school operates if you'd like?"

Lucy silently thanked her sheer fortune, and prayed to the stars that her day would continue with the same pace. Levy was, whether she knew it or not, her knight in shining armour. "Thank you! And since we'll be together for a little while longer, would you like some help with those?" She gestured to the colossal pile of books in Levy's arms.

"Ah, thanks!" Levy said, as Lucy took ahold of half of the novels she was carrying. Lucy became astounded at the sheer diversity in the hardback books, some of them were written in languages she'd never seen before, and as a fellow bookworm, that number was extremely small. The blonde smiled contentedly, although nervous to soon be stepping into a year within the grounds of Fairy Tail High.

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