Welcome to Fairy Tail

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Stepping off of the bus, the blonde halted as she took in the sight of the infamous school. It was much more impressive in person, and slightly overwhelming. Fairy Tail was, in short, a school that held a bond stronger than any other, and it was apparent in all of their competitive and academic successes. Levy noticed Lucy's gawking, and gently prodded her arm to steal back her attention.

"Ah, sorry!" Lucy said, rubbing the back of her head. "I guess I was daydreaming, it's a little silly but I've been so nervous and yet excited."

Levy winked. "Well, as flattered as the school would be to hear about your high opinions of it. If we stand around all day I'm afraid you'll never get to actually experience your first day! Come on!"
As the two entered the main building, she took ahold of a small piece of paper and handed it to Lucy, pointing to the neat handwriting in pencil. "Here you'll see a small map of the school grounds, and I've circled the classrooms you'll be going to. You've got gym first, so that means you're just gonna be down the hall, third door to your right."

Lucy frowned slightly, slowing her pace of walking. "What about you?" She asked.

"Ah, well, I am usually in your class but today I've been asked to help translate in languages for the younger years. When you go in, just ask around for Mirajane and tell her I sent you. She'll have no problem helping you I'm sure, she's super nice."

"Thank you Levy. Not a lot of people have shown me such immediate kindness before." Lucy waved to the small girl before turning to the double doors leading to the gym. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through and searched for the girls' changing room.

To no surprise, there was a mass of girls already discussing the contents of their summer vacations and catching up on other important news. A couple of them turned to watch the blonde shyly step into the changing room fully. If not for a sudden heart attack of a realisation, she might've tried to make conversation with some of the girls.

She'd forgotten her kit.

'Why does this always happen to me?' She whimpered to herself, scratching around in her back for perhaps a t-shirt or something.

A hand suddenly clamped down on her wrist and Lucy squealed, falling down backwards into the wall.

"Hi! You must be Lucy, we heard about you in home room this morning!"

Lucy looked up to see a girl in volleyball kit standing in front of her. She had gentle blue eyes and a warming smile. It was almost impossible to be annoyed that she actually managed to scare the living hell out of her, as crazy as that seemed.
Again the same hand was then thrust out in front of her. Lucy blinked.

"Here, let me help you up. Sorry if I spooked you. It's always just so exciting to see new faces around here. Welcome to Fairy Tail!" The girl said, hauling Lucy to her feet. She was astounded at how colossally strong the stranger was despite her petite frame. "I'm Mirajane. It's nice to meet you."

Again, Lucy blinked.

"Levy said to find you, I... that is... she mentioned how welcoming you were and how perhaps you could help me find my footing a bit for a short while?"

Mira beamed, her smile almost as dazzling as the white in her hair. "Of course! I'd be glad to." She looked Lucy up and down. "Today's volleyball so you'll probably need the knee protectors. The girls tend to get a little competitive."

"I... actually... wasn't entirely aware that my first class was gym. Does the school have a lost and found I could borrow some of the stuff from?"

"I'm not sure. But I always bring a spare kit with me, just in case. You look to be my size as well! Here."

She handed Lucy her spares, along with the knee pads she mentioned before. Lucy bowed her head slightly in gratitude.

"Thank you so much Mira."

"My pleasure. I'll see you out there soon."

Lucy grinned. She had a good feeling that she was going to like it here.

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