First Come First Serve

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First step into the gym and Lucy soon became an unsuspecting victim of a volleyball hurling towards her. It smacked against her forehead, sending her crashing down.

"They've... they've gone insane!" Someone yelled.

Lucy rubbed her head, trying to feel for the bump that she already knew was forming. She sat up and looked around, and it looked like she'd just waltzed straight into a war zone.
There before her stood a redhead... or some kind of terrifying entity, and she was glaring across at a girl stood over the opposite side of the volleyball nets. "There shall only be one victor!" She shouted, throwing up the ball and sending it straight across the court with a thunderous clap.
Lucy gawked.
The receiving end of the monstrous shot was only... Mirajane. This sweet, kind-natured girl who Lucy was talking to only moments earlier had somehow transformed into a demon-like creature. "Better keep your hair on, Titania. You're not pretty enough to be this stupid." She said, venomous undertones settling into her voice.

Titania only furrowed her brow. "And who are you to comment on appearances?" She said, playing back the volleyball. "Don't you need a license to be that ugly?"

"Thunder thighs!"


Way to keep the insults classy. Lucy thought to herself, making sure she was safely out of the way of the bloodbath. And from what she saw, the other girls in the class seemed to have similar thoughts.

The boys however seemed to be fully invested in a game of basketball. And it was difficult to not notice the wailing of a bluenette in the corner of the court. "Look at my darling Gray go!" She squealed, her hands clasped together. If it weren't for Lucy's better judgement, she would've thought that the girl's eyes would turn into hearts any time soon. She traced her line of vision directly to a dark-haired boy, who had just easily stolen the ball from the opposition, only to be smacked on top of the head.

"Hey! What was that for you pink idiot?!" He said, grimacing at the culprit of the sudden blow.

"You totally fouled there you frosty moron!" Another boy stepped out from amongst the accumulation of basketball players, fist still raised, yet this time in accusation.

"Clearly you need your head checked!" Gray retorted.

"Well by the looks of the beating you just got from me, I'd say you'd need it for more than I would!"

Lucy sighed, raising a hand to rub the back of her neck. "Is it always like this at this school?" She whined.

"Yep. Welcome to a world of fun." Lucy was greeted by a pat to the back by a girl who seemed to smell rather strongly of rum. "Though I'd say today you're lucky, normally the whole class gets into a brawl, and it's usually Erza who breaks it up."


Her new informant pointed to the redhead, still in a heated rally between herself and Mira.

"I heard Mirajane call her 'Titania' earlier, is that her surname?" Lucy asked.

"No, no. Scarlet's her last name. Titania is only a nickname, or, a title given to her. Titania's otherwise known as Queen of the Fairies."

"Really? Why's that?"

"Because she's the reigning champion of the girl's volleyball league, closely followed by Mirajane."

It wasn't difficult to see why. With one slick hit, the ball ricocheted of the gym floor over on Mira's side of the court, drawing their one-on-one game to an end and holding her the victor.
Although curious to watch what happened after, Lucy turned to the girl next to her. "I'm Lucy, what's your name?"

"Cana." She replied smoothly. "And that over there is Juvia." She gestured to the weepy girl fawning over Gray.

Lucy smiled, attempting to mask how overwhelmed she was by the... spirit of the students at Fairy High.

"Alright pervert, let's see what you've got!" The pink-haired boy smacked Gray straight in the jaw, sending him backwards into a tall, muscular guy. As a result, he turned around and cracked his knuckles.

"Alright you two sissies, let me show you how a real man handles things."

"Not interested!" Gray and the hothead decked him in unison, taking him completely out of the fight.

"They knocked him out cold with one hit!" Lucy cried.

Cana stepped into the mass brawl that had broken out amongst the boys. "Alright guys, I suggest you knock it off." She said, looking as if she was preparing herself to join the fight if need be.

"I'll finish this if I must. Where is Natsu and Gray?" Erza seemed to appear from nowhere.

"Are you kidding? We're just getting started." Gray's attacker replied, grinning devilishly.

Before he could move, he was smacked down with great force. Lucy thought she could see the flooring crack as his face collided with it.

"What do you morons think you're doing?! Bickering like children?!" A gruff, booming voice sounded out.

The hall fell deadly silent, and everyone halted.

"I get word from Coach Alors that his class is out of hand and this is what I find?!" An old man steps out from the crowds, gesturing to another man in the corner face down on the floor... with what appeared to be a broomstick poking out of his rear end.

"He's absolutely tiny!" Lucy gasped, shockingly surprised that they were all so obedient to him.

"Now. You have a match against our biggest competitors in only a matter of weeks. Every chance to grow stronger counts. If we are to remain number one, we must think together and act like the family I know we are! There will be people who will pit themselves and many other things against us, but I know that with the spirit and heart you all show, we can overcome these trials and show everyone just how worthy we are to sit at the top. And we can prove to them just what the name 'Fairy Tail' really means!"

With the small, but motivating speech. The once-bickering group of teenagers roared in delight, a sense of camaraderie growing strong in the vast hall. Lucy beamed, watching as they threw up their hands, making an 'L' shape.

The blonde caught the pink-haired boy's eye, and he grinned, followed by the people surrounding him.

Perhaps this school was just an adventure waiting to happen.

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