Chapter 6

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The young Earl paced back and forth across the study floor. "A week... a whole bloody week and nothing. we've found nothing" he growled with a frown.
"Something wrong young Master?" asked Sebastian as he entered the room. He watched Ciel walking up and down, a smile slowly creeping across his lips. "Keep going like that young Master, and you'll wear a hole in the carpet" he smirked.
Ciel stopped, glairing at the butler. "Very funny Sebastian" he frowned and looked down at the floor in frustration.
"My apologies my Lord.. I couldn't resist" Sebastian replied with a smile as he bowed at the young Earl.
"I have been looking in to it young Master, but like the gentlemen at the Yard I have found nothing but dead ends. It seems our silent friend was quite a solitary person, very privet." he said with a sigh.
"We're missing something here... damn it!" Ciel grunted, slamming a fist on the table.
"Perhaps a nice hot cup of tea will help you to relax a little. A stressed mind is a clouded mind" said Sebastian as he stepped towards the door. The young Earl nodded and sat down at his desk.

The grey clouds began draw in over London and a cold wind blew as the young woman walked past the quiet church yard. A shiver ran down her back as a strange feeling set in, The uneasy feeling of being watched.
"It's nothing... just the wind" she thought as she quickened her pace.
"My my, aren't we jumpy... hehehe" came a voice from behind her.
Elin stopped dead in her tracks, slowly turning round to find a tall dark figure lent against the church yard fence, a grin on his face.
Elin looked away from him. "not jumpy... just aware of me surroundings is all. This is London after all" she replied making sure not to make eye contact.
As Undertaker moved closer to the young woman he began to giggle "Hehe... oh come on, your not afraid of the old Undertaker are you?" he smirked.
Elin looked up at him with a slight frown "Afraid?.. no. wary.. yes. Still as strange as ever I see" she replied a little smile begining to grow on her lips.
"Hmmm... and you my dear, seem to have grown in to quite the woman... how long has it been now?" he said with a grin as he looked her up and down.
"Sixteen years, if I'm not mistaken" she sighed looking down at the ground.

Undertaker gently slipped his finger under her chin, lifting her head up and looking at her. "Such a shame... I was so disappointed" he said in a comforting tone.
"And you think I wasn't.." Elin replied as she pulled away. "It aint like I did it on purpose" she continued, frowning.
"Oh I knoow... hmm.. stupid superstitious bastards that they are." said Undertaker, shaking his head. A sudden dark smile crossed his lips "Hehehe... an interestin' thought just crossed my mind" he said, his smile turning in to a grin.
"Looking at your face... somehow I don't think I'm gonna like it" said Elin, raising a curious eyebrow.
"Hehe... as often said, two pairs of hands is better then one. I could do with... lets say, a little helper around my shop" said Undertaker, and waited for a reaction.
Elin looked at him. "At your shop... ya mean..." she said looking Undertaker straight in the face with a suspicious expression. He smirked, simply nodding his head.
"Would be nice to have someone to talk to who answers" he grinned.
Elin giggled with a grin. "You always did know how to make me laugh" she said with an innocent smile.

Meanwhile the young Earl stood outside the small, old looking house, looking down at a piece of paper in his hand. "According to this... the woman that lives here is the only person who really knew Mr Howards. She's our last chance." he said, looking up at the butler beside him.
"Shall we then?" said Sebastian as he knocked on the door.
The door slowly opened, revealing an elderly woman stood there. "Yes? can I help you?" she asked, eyeing them up and down.
"I do believe you can" said Sebastian, smiling at her.
"I am Earl Ciel Phantomhive, I'd like to ask you a few questions.. if I may" said Ciel as he watched the old woman.
"About what, exactly?" she asked, frowning.
"About a gentleman you may know" said Sebastian, giving the young Earl a descreat glance.
"Oh yeah, what gentleman's that then?" the old woman asked as she crossed her arms.
"His name was Ernest Howards" said Ciel, his temper now running thin.
"Oh... him. Yeah, what about him? and what do you mean 'was'?" she asked with a frown.
"Unfortunatly, Mr Howards is dead.. murdered in fact. So we need as much information as we can collect, to catch the killer." said Sebastian, giving the old woman his most charming smile.
"Better come in then" she replied, pulling the door fully open and gesturing for them to enter.

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