New times of Happiness

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5 years later i was finally 6, Everything was so different, New friends, New house, Parents almost up for a divorce. I could honestly say I liked the new house, Well not really new. My parents was close to divorcing, so i went back and fourth, dad's house to mum's house. I wish we could of stayed at my dad's house, all 6 of us. Oh yeah! I forgot! When i was 2, we moved to canada. But i dont remember about moving.
So, one night i was at my Dad's house, all 4 of us were sleepy except my sister and I, we were just playing around. Janice, my sister was trying to make a board game, And i was just drawing.
As the sun woke me up through my window, I went to my sisters room, it was a bit dark in there considering the thick ragged cloth covering the window.
"NANIS!" i yelled excitingly "ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!"
My sister groaned for the longest time I heard of.
"Jessica! It's only 7 in the morning. Go back to sleep."
But i didnt listen to her, i was so determined to make her happy when she woke up, So i decided to ravage around the fridge finding something for her to drink. I quietly laughed and got a few banana YOPs, since that was her favorite flavor. Quite then, i tried to reach the counter to get bread and put it in the toaster, so i though //should i get a chair? Yes.// So then i did, but when I was Going to put the bread in, i slipped and fell off the chair. My Sister heard me cry, so she ran out of her bed.
"I-i just wanted t-to make you breakfast" i said though my stutters while i was crying.
"Aww, my boo thank you, but be careful next time. And ask next time so i can watch you.
"No! I wanted it to be a surprise!" I yelled "But, wheres daddy?"
"He went out to go shopping, he said a early christ-- nevermind, just, be careful next time. Okay?

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