Chapter 1

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A wild new fic appears!!

This will be a short one, about six chapters, and I’ll be updating it between chapters of MABAS. There really aren’t any warnings. Basically it’s just a mix of fluff, drama, an incredibly cheesy title, and infinity signs.

Chapter 1 - Kellin - Anywhere But Here

“Okay, you fucking idiots. It’s time to fix some shit.”

So says Jenna Mcdougall on Friday, June 14. She’s standing at the front door of the house with her arms crossed and a very determined, I’ve-got-a-plan-and-you’re-not-getting-out-of-it look on her face. Vic is right behind me, staring at her from over my shoulder.

"Nothing needs to be fixed," I tell her.

"Bullshit," Jenna replies, pushing past me into the house.

"Yes, Jenna, of course you can come inside," I call after her, closing the door.

That was obnoxious,” she says.

"Almost everything about him is," Vic mutters under his breath. I shoot him a glare, which he ignores.

"See? This is what I’m talking about,” Jenna says, pointing at us. “This is the shit you need to fix.”

"I don’t know what you mean," I say, sitting down on the couch in the living room.

"You know damn well what I mean," Jenna snaps.

"No, I don’t, actually," I say. "Please explain it to me."

"Maybe she would if you’d stop interrupting her," Vic says, still standing.

"I’m not. I’m talking to her. That’s how conversations work, Vic."

"Hey!" Jenna yells. Vic and I look up. "You want to know what I mean? This is what I mean." She waves her hands around. "For the past couple months or so, this is all you two have been doing. Insulting each other and arguing with each other. You say ‘I hate you’ more often than ‘I love you’. Did you really think that nobody had noticed? Everyone’s worried about you. So you know what? I’m going to fix it."

"For the record," I say, raising my hand, "I’m not insulting anybody. Vic just can’t resist making nasty comments—”

"Oh, so it’s my fault now? Maybe if you wouldn’t keep fucking leaving your shit around and expecting me to do all the work, I wouldn’t—"

"Okay, that is completely irrelevant to anything we’re talking about right n—"

Guys!” Jenna shouts, making us shut up. “This needs to end. Now. And it will end, with you two either making up or breaking up. So listen very closely.”

Vic opens his mouth, probably to make some remark about how I’m incapable of listening, but Jenna holds her hand up to silence him.

"Listen without speaking, please. You two are going on a road trip."

"A road trip?" Vic and I repeat.

Jenna nods, smiling a little. “A road trip. I’ve already called your work—you both have a full week off. You’re going to bond over graffiti.”

"We’re going to what?” Vic says.

"Over graffiti," I say slowly. "Are you seriously bringing this back, Jenna? We haven’t done it in months."

"Exactly," Jenna says. "You two can’t seem to agree on anything, so I decided that maybe, just maybe, you can agree on the thing that brought you together in the first place.”

We're Sempiternal, Baby (Kellic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat