Chapter 2

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Did I mention that there would be a side of Cashby? Well...yeah. There will be a side of Cashby.

Chapter 2 - Vic - Playing the Blame Game

I can’t believe I forgot my fucking phone.

I remembered everything else. I packed extras of everything else. I even told Kellin that he was going to forget something important and that I would show no sympathy when that happened. But it’s happening to me instead. I forgot my fucking phone.

I’ve been driving around town in this rainstorm for hours, searching for Kellin, since I can’t call him and ask him where he is. It has proved to be extremely tedious and extremely frustrating, but I’m not just going to leave without him.

Just watch, I think to myself. He’s probably safe inside somewhere, eating ice cream or something, and tomorrow he’ll pop up out of nowhere like he’s been right in front of me all along.

Because that’s Kellin for you.

I sigh and park on the side of the road. Maybe, if I’m lucky, someone will walk past me, and I can call Kellin using their phone. That’s what I’ve been hoping for, but I haven’t been having any luck since the storm started. Who would be out in this weather?

But just as I’m thinking that, someone runs past me.

I jump out of the car and rush around it to the sidewalk, trying to ignore the rain immediately soaking me to the bone. “Hey!” I call. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

The guy glances over his shoulder but doesn’t slow down. “If you can catch up with me! I’m not stopping!”

At first I think, What the hell? But then I figure that he’s probably my best shot, so I sprint after him.

He looks like he’s around my age, with a black tank top, tattoos, and hair that looks auburn now but is probably more red when it isn’t dripping wet. “Why are you running?” I ask him.

"My boyfriend and I," he pants, "are practicing the art of racing in the rain. Trying to see who can run faster. I can’t afford to stop."

"Well, I don’t see him," I say, taking a quick look around, "so you must be either really far ahead or really far behind."

He shakes his head. “He’s coming from the opposite side of town. We’re meeting at a pizza shop. He always wins these things, because his legs are so fucking long, but I always try to beat him anyways.”

"Sounds fun," I say. "My boyfriend’s around here somewhere. I just don’t know where."

"Think you could call him?"

"That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, actually. I forgot my phone and I wanted to know if you had one I could use to make the call."

"Yeah, I’ve got one. I’ll let you use it when we get up there."

"That’s great," I say. "Thanks. I’m Vic, by the way."

The guy nods. “No problem. I’m Alan.”

We run in silence for the rest of the race, with Alan leading the way. When the pizza shop comes into view, a voice shouts, “Come on, you sexy ginger! I want a peanut butter pizza already!”

Alan slows down. “Fuck you, Austin!”

Standing right outside the entrance to the pizza shop is a tall guy with dark hair and even more tattoos than Alan. His arms are crossed over his chest, and I can see a faint smile on his face. “You can still win, Alan!” he says. “I haven’t officially gone inside yet!”

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