Chapter 3

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If there is anyone out there who gets the whole “perfect enemy” reference, I love you forever.

Chapter 3 - Kellin - Lover Is Childlike

I can’t stay mad at him when he wants to dance.

Because Vic doesn’t dance. Not very often, anyways, and never by himself. Most of the time, he’s content to just watch as everyone else has fun while he sits back and thinks, I would never do something so stupid.

That’s a lie, though, and we both know it. He likes it, actually, at least when he’s with me. Sometimes, like tonight, he’s even the one who suggests it. So as much as I want to keep giving him the silent treatment, I know I can’t pass this up. I love to dance. I love it even more when it’s with him.

I take his hand, and we head out to the dance floor. It’s not slow and classy—this is a nightclub—but that’s perfectly fine. It’s more informal, giving us some room to mess up.

Vic starts out shy and awkward, like he always does. “Okay,” he says, “I think I might’ve changed my mind about thi—”

I hold one finger up and press it over his lips. “Shh. Don’t think. Just dance.”

He nods reluctantly. And we dance.

We dance, we kiss a little, we laugh, we get a little bit drunk, and we live for right now. The night lets me forget that an hour ago, I was pissed at him. It reminds me why we’ve stayed together for so long—we love each other. We really do.

And when we finally get back to Austin and Alan’s house, they can see it in everything we do. Austin raises his eyebrow knowingly. “Have fun?”

"Hell yes," Vic replies. He kisses me on the cheek. "Thanks. We, uh…we needed that."

Alan winks. “We know.”

We head back to the guest room and fall into bed together. The world is bright, and everywhere there are lights and colors and kissing and euphoria, and I don’t care that it makes me sound like a stoner or a hippie to say that, because it’s true.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, remembering that it’s the end of the day. “What are you doing?” Vic asks.

I open the voice recorder app, pressing the “Record” button. “Day two,” I say. “I am not going to kill Vic with his own guitar.”

I wake up to Vic spooning me. His face is buried in my hair, and I can hear his soft breathing next to my ear. With my eyes still closed, I smile to myself.

"You smell nice," he says sleepily.

I laugh a little. “That could be taken as either sweet or creepy.”

"I hate you," Vic says, his lips nipping at my earlobe.

I slide out from underneath him, rubbing my eyes and crawling out of bed. “I hate you, too.”

Vic groans. “Come back to bed, Kell.”

I shake my head, smiling. “Get out of bed, Vic.”

"We are not doing this again.”

I lean back over the bed, my lips just barely grazing his cheek. “Pleeeease, Vic?” I make a pouty face.

Vic opens his eyes slightly. “You’re such a child.”

"Maybe, but you love me anyways."

"Stop lying."

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