Chapter 13

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•••Madi's POV•••
What just happened back there?
Yeah, I got really mad but I never meant for it to go that far. Yes, I said some things I regret, but they were all true. I've been putting up with her crap for a very long time, and I had finally had enough. No, I didn't wanna lose her, but if that's how it's going to be then so be it.
After our fight, I went to the hospital because she obviously broke my nose. Then, I decided I would go to my friends house, Jack and Jack. I didn't know where Taylor was, but I figured he was with Blaise. Probably kissing and crap, knowing their reputation. I got to Jack and Jacks' house. I knocked on the door, and Jack Johnson answered it.
"Oh my gosh Madi! What happened to your nose?!" He asked, concerned.
"It's a long story, may I come in?" I said.
"Oh yeah, of course!" He replied.
I walked in, to find Jack Gilinsky sitting on the couch, on his phone.
"Oh, hey Mad-" he cut himself off mid-sentence. "What happened?!"
"Long story. Can I sit down first?" I asked.
"Yeah sure!" They said at the same time.
"Okay, so here goes. You know Blaise broke up with Hayes right, and it was a really bad break-up. Well she was really upset and moping around and stuff. Well, this morning I fell asleep in Taylor's arms on the couch. She was taking a nap yesterday and we were supposed to wake her up for dinner. Well, we forgot. So, this morning she was really mad. She got and air horn and a megaphone out of her Dad's tool shed. She came into the living room, and blew the air horn into the megaphone and scared the crap outta me and Taylor. We were obviously really mad, and some things were said that I kinda regret. I maybe said she was self centered and it was her fault she and Hayes broke up because she was the one who broke up with him. Then, she called me out for cheating on Taylor with his bestfriend, Nash. After that, I came at her. I wasn't thinking, rage just took over me and we fought. I was on top of her, pulling her hair out. Then, she managed to get on top of me and she broke my nose. After that, she stopped thank God. I ran out bawling, and never turned back. And now, I have no idea where Taylor is and I have no where to go. So I'm here." I finished.
Their faces were blank. They were just as shocked as I was after I had realized what actually just happened.
"You might wanna close your mouthes, bugs might crawl in." I said, after about 5 minutes of them staring at me with their mouthes wide open.
"Wow.." Was all they managed to say.
"How could that have even happened?" Jack G asked.
"I don't know. We just both got caught up in the heat of the moment I guess." I said.
Right then, Jack J's phone started ringing.
He looked down at it and said, "I need to take this." And he walked out on the porch, leaving me with Jack G.
"So, do you want me to make you feel better? Or do you want to hear the truth?" He asked.
"Hmmm... Ugh, truth. I think that's what I need right now." I said back.
"Okay, so what you did was really stupid Madi. Remember how you felt when you and Taylor broke up?" He said.
"Yes," I replied.
"Well, she's feeling the same way. And did she ever leave you or get mad at you? No, no she didn't. She stayed there with you the entire time, no matter how grouchy or irritable you got. I'm not saying what she did was right, but neither was what you did. You screwed up. Really bad. You lost the one person that was always there when nobody else was. And deep, deep down you know it's true. And you miss her like crazy." He said.
Wow. He was spot on. I knew he was right, but I just couldn't get past what she said. Yeah, I said bad things too, but I just can't.
"Thanks Jack, but I just think I need some time. Sort through some things. You were exactly right abut everything, but like I said, I just need time. Okay?" I said.
"That's fine, just don't forget what I said." He replied, hugging me.
A few seconds later Jack J walked back inside.
"It was Taylor, and he was wondering if I had seen or talked to Madi. I told him no, because I figured you needed some space right now. He told me what happened, that's what took so long. I would've told him I already knew, but that would sound suspicious because I said I hadn't seen or talked to you." He said.
"That's fine, thanks so much. Space is exactly what I need." I said, hugging him.
"So, do you need a place to crash? Because if you do, you can stay here." Jack J said, a few seconds later.
"Yeah, if that's okay." I said back.
"It's perfectly fine. You can take my bed, and I'll sleep on the floor." Jack G said.
"Thank you guys so much again." I said, before getting ready to go to bed.

•••2 Days Later•••

I woke up and carefully stepped over Jack G not to wake him. He was so adorable when he was sleeping. I decided I would run to Blaise's house to pack a few things. It would be awkward, but I needed my stuff.
I went downstairs to find Jack J making breakfast. It smelled really good!
"Oh, good morning Madi!" He said with a smile.
"Morning Jack." I said, trying to fake a smile.
"Do you want some?" He said, gesturing to the bacon.
"No thanks, I'm gonna run by Blaise's and grab some of my things." I replied.
"Oh, do you want me to drive you?" He asked.
"Yeah, that'd be great." I said.
He turned off the stove and everything, and grabbed his keys and we left.
When we got there, I noticed no one was home. Good thing I know where they keep the spare key.
I ran in, grabbed my bag, and shoved some clothes and shoes in it. I also grabbed my charger and my iPad.
It was weird being back to where this whole mess happened. I teared up, but quickly cleared my eyes before running back outside, locking the door, and putting the spare key back in place.
Right as I reached Jack's car, Blaise pulled in.
I waited for her to get out and say something to me, but she walked up the steps and acted like I wasn't even there. She gave me one glance, and walked inside.
I opened the door, and jumped in.
"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go." I said.
"Welllll that was awkward." Jack said, laughing, as we pulled out of the driveway.
"Yeah, it was. I was sure she'd say something." I said, also faking a laugh.
Face it, my life sucked right now. I have no idea where my boyfriend is, and he watched the entire thing happen 2 days ago, and hasn't even texted me to see if I'm okay or anything. On top of that, I lost my bestfriend. Could it get any worse?
When we got back to Jack's house, we walked in to find Jack G up, and someone else was there.
It was Taylor.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! I've been worried sick!" Taylor said, running up to me, trying to hug me.
"Get your hands off of me!" I said.
He got a puzzled look on his face.
"Oh, don't act like you don't know. I got in the biggest fight with my bestfriend, you there as a witness might I add! And two days go by and you haven't texted me or anything to see if I was okay!"
"Madi, I texted you and called you a thousand times but you never responded." He said, upset.
I took out my phone and examined my messages and calls. I had none from Taylor.
"See! Nothing!" I said, holding the phone up to his face for him to see.
"Madi, you don't have any service." Taylor said.
I looked at my phone, and he was right. Where my bars should be, there were the words "No Service".
"Oh..." I said. "Taylor, I'm so sor-"
"No no, it's okay. If I were you, I'd act the same way." He said, embracing me.
"So you're not mad?" I asked.
"Of course not!" He said, then kissing me.
"*Cough* Get a room love birds!" Jack G yelled.
"Oh shut up!" Taylor said, laughing.
I joined in on the laughter, as did Jack J.
And for once, I felt a little better. Like a little piece of my heart had came back together.

250+ reads for next update! (:

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