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i am personally super grateful to my sisters. they know how much i love kpop, even though theyre not really into it themselves. my older sister likes  a few exo songs, and like one shinee song. my younger sister likes a few exo songs and thinks they are super talented. but that's it.

even through that, they were super understanding about my sadness.

as i mentioned in a previous post, my older sister hugged me tight and comforted me. she told me it was okay to cry and be sad because i loved him and he was gone. i think she understands this the most because she also sometimes suffers from depression. so she knew what it was like to feel that way. my sister was there for me when i needed someone.

i was so sad that day and then yesterday too and even today.

my younger sister was comforting as well, but to a smaller degree. she just didn't understand my sadness. but she respected it and tried to make me feel better.

she took me to disneyland. we had beem planning it for two weeks and i really didn't feel like going becaise i was sad. but she said it would keep me distracted.

today i am sad too, but i had to come to work.

i will try hard to continue, and stop feeling so sad. i will console myself by thinking that he would not want us to be sad. so i will try to think of all the happy things he did.

his music, his smile, his laugh, his hard work.

it won't be in vain. but i really do thank my sisters for being by my side through this.


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