IV 'ɮʀɛaҡʄast'

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bambam and his daddy were woken up by the sound of yugyeom's phone.

"come on baby let's go to work." yugyeom said.

bambam began sucking on his pacifier and got up.

"can you get into big bambam?" yugyeom asked.

"yes daddy." bambam removed the pacifier from his mouth and closed his eyes, about 5 minutes later he open them again.

because bambam was a different little, most of them couldn't control they little space thingy, but bambam could which for yugyeom was the best thing ever.

"morning yugyeom." bambam said.

"let's go have breakfast." yugyeom said tossing the younger over his shoulder.

bambam giggled and yugyeom sat him on the table.

"what do you want?" yugyeom asked.


"what type?"

"cinnamon." bambam said trying to reach the top shelf.

"fine." yugyeom said reaching the top shelf.

he gave bambam the bowl and grabbed the milk.

sitting in front of him yugyeom took the box and putted it into bambam's.

bambam took the milk box and putted it inside his bowl.

"why are you taking me to work with you today?"

"because i want to." yugyeom said. bambam nodded and began eating his cereal.

bambam decided he want to eat next to his boyfriend so he climbed on the table sitting on top of it while staring at him.

"what are you doing?" yugyeom asked.

"just sitting can't i?" bambam replied back, but in reality he was tinking about gashina and pretending he was on the video clip while looking at his boyfriend.

after he was done yugyeom grabbed him and tossed him over his shoulder while his feet where bouncing on the air.

yugyeom placed bambam on the bed while he changed into a black suit.

yugyeom placed bambam on the bed while he changed into a black suit

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"you look hot." bambam said licking his lips.

yugyeom felt his pants getting tighter.

"stop it." he said grabbing some clothes for bambam.

"why do i have to wear it?"

"because is dress code." yugyeom said fixing bambam's tie.

bambam nodded and smiled looking up at yugyeom.

"now we just need to fix your hair." yugyeom said styling the younger gray hair.

"beautiful." He said spray some of his perfume on bambam's neck.

bambam made a disgut face and yugyeom pinched his cheek before stealing a kiss of those lips.

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