LI 'ċʀʏɨռɢ'

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bambam woke up by being 3, he was on a dry diaper and daddy was nowhere to be seen.

he putted and began crying but no one got to him, he got up and went to the fridge, he opened it to reveal several bottles some with post-its and he remembered what daddy said, he grabbed one that looked like milk and opened it, it smelled like milk so he putted it on the microwave for 45 seconds.

he putted the cap back on and began sucking on it while dragging his blue teddy bear on the floor, he only had his diaper some mickey socks and a nemo tshirt.

he felt to the couch and rolled himslef on his baby blue blanket while sucking on his sippy cup.

he finished his warm milk and burped.

he began watching cinderella in real life and began crying as his mental age dropped to 2.

he didn't had no one there but he didnt knew yugyeom was about to be home 24/7.

bambam cried until he felt asleep again.

he woke up and his diaper was wet, he squirmed in discomfort but only for a while since his diaper was dry again.

he warmed his bottle taking the lead out and then putting it back again.

he went to the couch and began sucking where he felt the taste of rice, scrambled eggs and orange juice he drank happily before finishing it.

he peed again and once again the diaper still was dry, good quality diapers.

he went to the toy room and took out some coloring books.

when the door burst open and yugyeom went straight to the toy room closing the door behind him.

bambam got up and knocked on the door the only thing heard was yugyeom pushing things around.

yuyeom was putting boxes around, and he had bough white paint to the baby blue paint from the walls and also bought some office material, he was changing company to a new one where he would have more money and hopefully less work.

he stayed there the entire afternoon painting the walls and changing the entire room, bambam was going to be pissed but yugyeom knew it was for the better.

bambam had finished his last milk before going to bed when he needed to go popo, he tried to push but it wouldn't come out so he began crying since his mental age was 7 months old.

he crawled to yugyeom and yugyeom came out full of paint to see bambam crying out loud while kicking his feet and arms.

"no crying." he said picking him up.

he placed bambam on the kitchen counter and began making some coffee for him when he noticed bambam patting hard and his face red as a tomato, so he realized.

"so that why you are crying? no popo?" he asked, bambam didn't respond instead he began exploring yugyeom's face.

"jesus you are really little now." he said, he made a small quantity of milk with laxatives for bambam who drank it.

yugyeom carried him to the bathroom and sat with him down on the toilet.

bambam began squirming and yugyeom began pushing down on his belly, bambam exploded to the diaper and popo went thru his back.

yugyeom smirked and went pushed bambam's diaper against his butt when yugyeom made it bambam in reflex slapped Yugyeom across the face.

yugyeom jaw dropped and bambam stared at him dumbfounded, and began crying like a big baby, yugyeom grabbed his face in pain and saw bambam falling out of his lap and hitting his head right on the floor.

he winced in pain and began crying with his hand on the head yugyeom. opened his eyes wide open and grabbed bambam, he quickly shoved a pacifier on bambam's mouth and began rocking him.

bambam cried began stopping as yuyeom began rocking him while rubbing his nose.

"go to sleep little baby or i am going to get your ass." yugyeom said.

"get to sleep little bamBie or tomorrow there is no dessert." he sang, bambam closed his eyes.

"go to sleep little bambie before i force you too." yugyeom sang as bambam fully slept.

"there we go." he whispered laying bambam on a yoga match, he quickly changed bambam's diaper and putted bambam on the bed tucked in and. gave a kiss of good night on the cheek.

he headed to his new office and began regretting it.

he began feeling bad, bambam had always liked that space,which was his little space, a room filled off toys and coloring books, were the walls were blue and had bambam's drawing and now everything was in boxes.

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