XLVI 'sʊsքɛռsɛ'

798 36 12


yugyeom and jackson were woken up by having the guard hitting the cells.

"wake up you have a new roommate." he said, yugyeom rubbed his eyes and looked up.

"no." he said.

"am i dreaming? are you dreaming?" jackson said.

bambam was standing on the other end with an orange and white prison clothes.

"w-what?" yugyeom said shocked.

"he is here until he is sent to the court and see how much time he is staying here." the prison guard said.

"what did you do?"

"he killed 2 people." he said opening the sell and putting bambam down.

"why doesn't he have handcuffs?"

"he doesn't need them he says he doesn't want to escape he wants to stay here so we made him a favor." the guard said leaving.

"bambam why did you killed them?" jackson asked.

"its from jackson." yugyeom said at the same time.

"it ain't mine." jackson said.

bambam turned to yugyeom and showed the box that said yugyeom property.

"i see." bambam simply said. going back to his bed with the box.

he began seeing the photo book and it seemed like everything around him had disappeared, only him and the book remained.

he began tracing the pictures and smiling seeing those memories when he zoomed out and saw yugyeom staring at him but then quickly looked somewhere else.

"hey bambam." jackson said with his head hanging from the top bed.

"yugyeom and his girlfriend broke up." Jackson whispered loud enough for yugyeom to hear.


"so he is single now..." jackson said.

"just read this." bambam said giving jackson a letter while bitting his lip and yugyeom knew he was holding back tears.

"this isn't real its a fake letter."jackson said.

"no its n-not." yugyeom said.

"well i have this one." jaackson said giving bambam another letter.

bambam read it and shook his head.

"t-that ain't true." bambam said.

"he loves you." jackson said.

he loves me he loves me. bambam thought.

"my ass! if he loved me he wouldn't make the terrible things he did!" bambam said giving the box to yugyeom before could make anything.

"he wouldn't have beaten me and rape me and make me wear diapers and clean the house and not cuddle with me!" bambam said in defense.

"bambam how long has it been since been little?"

"i am a what?"

"a little you know you likes pacifiers and baby stuff?..."

"oh...2 months i think." bambam said, cleaning his tears off.

"close your eyes and lay down." jackson said, bambam nodded and closed his eyes laying down.

yugyeom looked at jackson dumbfounded and jackson made him some moves and yugyeom sighed.

he got up and walked two steps to bambam and putted his knee on the bed before putting both of his legs around bambam's waist.

bambam tried to open his eyes but yugyeom didn't allowed him.

bambam began crying not liking that felling when a body felt on top of his and the face to his, when he felt hot tears on his neck.

"i am sorry." he said bambam removed the hands out of his eyes to reveal yugyeom crying into his neck.

"i am sorry i have done that to you..." yugyeom said grabbing bambam's waist and lifting him from the bed and wrapping his arms around bambam waist.

"i am sorry i beat you and abused you and made you wear dippers! i am sorry i screamed at you and i am sorry i made you cook for me when it should be the oposte." yugyeom said crying afraid to loose bambam again.

"i-i aceppt your apologies but i still need t-time to see if i can trust you." bambam stated.

"i understand."

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