2- The Siege

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A few days of peace have passed; however, Kurura was not allowed to see her daughter as she had to undergo many tests.

Suddenly, a large "BOOM!!!" causes the building to shake, and everybody stumbles.

"Where are my babies?! I want to see Gaara and Sakura!"

"We need to send Sakura to the Leaf; it seems as if others have discovered that the child of prophecy has arrived." Dr. Reed says, bolting into the room. Multiple doctors run out of the room as the doctor approaches Karura with a bundle in his arms.

Karura reaches out and holds her daughter for the first and last time.

Another tremor shakes the building, and squads of jounin can be seen bolting towards the main gate. "We have to go. I'm sorry, Karura." Dr. Reed says, reaching for the baby. The mother kisses her daughter's forehead as Dr. Reed takes her.

The mother watches, praying for her daughter's safety.

Dr. Reed runs down the hallway, clutching the infant to his chest and scouting out for the squad of anbu. Upon reaching a dead-end, he is grabbed by the hood and dragged into a supply closet. He hugs Sakura tightly to his chest. "Who are you and what do you want?" The doctor asks, looking for anything to defend himself and the child.

"Relax, Reed-san. It's us." A quiet voice says, and a small fire lights up in one's hands, anbu masks prominent in the light. The doctor sighs in relief, shoulders dropping as he lowers his guard, just a bit.

"I suppose Kazekage-sama has informed you of the current events?"

"Hai. His wife, Kurura-san has given birth to the child of prophecy, and we are currently under siege because the Akatsuki are after her. We are here to escort you and the child to Konoha; there, she will be safer." The woman with the flame in her hand says.

"That would be correct, Dragon-san." Dr. Reed says, glancing down at the child. "How are we going to get out of here?"

"Bear-san and some others should be creating a diversion right about now so we can escape." A male voice says, and Dr. Reed turns to the man.

"Is that so, Cat-san?"

"Hai. Stay quiet until further notice." Cat says, using his special mind jutsu to communicate with Bear. A few minutes pass, and Cat looks up. "We're good to go. Bird, grab the man and child." Bird nods, doing such, and the group teleports to a high mountain, which oversees the village.

"ART IS AN EXPLOSION!!!" The hospital is blown up, and Dr. Reed watches in fear as the hospital, which holds innocent, sick lives, bursts into flames, debris spreading everywhere. Pieces of paper burst into the air, quickly catching fire from the explosion and landing on unsuspecting houses, causing them to burst in flames as well. Multiple shinobi try their best to put out the flames, but to no avail. The Kazekage can also be seen, trying to protect everything with his glittering sand.


Suddenly, a devastating thought enters the doctors' mind, as he stands surrounded by Cat, Bird, Dragon, and soon after by Bear.

What happened to Gaara-sama???

"We need to go, now. My squad can only hold off the Akatsuki for a little while longer. After that, the village will be in utter chaos and they will be after you guys." Bear informs, and Cat nods.

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