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        Luka ran through the deep undergrowth of the woods at full speed, not having much time to catch her breath as the group of men gained on her. Her striking, blonde hair whipped in her face, as the chilling wind filled the forest and sent chills down her skin. She could hear nothing except her own heartbeat, the sound of her panting breath, the ringing in her ears, and the loud thumping footprints of the men chasing her.

         She kept her legs moving, running, pumping. Anything to keep herself alive. Where was he? She had to find him. She wasn't going to leave without him, not in a million years.

         A loud crack sounded and Luka whipped around just in time to see a bullet whiz past her, mere inches from her cheek. She prayed for her legs to move faster but she was already pushing her limits, draining her energy by the second. But as she looked through the trees far ahead, she caught a quiet glimpse of light flickering in the distance.

        "So close, almost there." She told herself as she ran. But as she got closer, so did they. They'd soon be upon her, and she'd be dead.

Illusions Mean DawnWhere stories live. Discover now