Chapter 2

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         As I marched down the musty, school hallway with Marin, I couldn't help but think back to Cassian. I couldn't conjure up a logical reason as to why he'd drop everything to help one of my best friends. Everyone said Cassian was a decent guy, but I absolutely refused to believe them. I knew him for who he really was. Cassian Price was a no good, trouble kid, son of a-

        "Luka? Luuuuuka? Earth to Luka? I would like to know where we are going please."

        I was snapped back into reality when my attention was grabbed by a somewhat tall, blackish-blue, messy-haired boy, and a face that looked as though he had just been beat up. A face that was just beat up.

        "Sorry, Marin," I responded apologetically. "I just kind of zoned out there for a second."

        "What were you thinking about?" Marin asked with a smug smirk that allowed me to read all his thoughts. The world just worked that way when you've known a kid since preschool. I could read Marin like the back of my hand, and he could do the same thing. That's why I found it irritating that he had to ask what I was thinking. He already knew.

        "Well, your the genius one, Bill Nye," I responded snappily. "Why don't you figure it out?"

        Marin continued smirked at me as we walked further along the hallway, his right hand still clutching the side of his face where he was punched. "You were obviously thinking about Cassian. I know the face you make when your judging a person."

        I glared at him, my face fuming. I do not judge people! What kind of statement was that, and what authority does he have over me?

        "Oh yeah?" I spat. "Well, how do you know I wasn't judging you and how you did Zeke's homework, huh?"

        Marin only laughed at my remark. "Luka, if you were judging me, you wouldn't keep it to yourself. I know you well enough to be confident that you would say whatever you had to say about me, straight to my face."

        My face scrunched up into a friendly pout. Not because it was rude to make that assumption, but because I knew well enough that his assumption was generally correct. I never exactly hid my opinion of people. Kind of one of my flaws. A big one.

        Just as I was about to make a snarky remark, I spotted a boy sitting on the floor against the wall in the hallway right outside the tech classroom. I was far enough away that I could only just make out the face of the boy, but I could tell who he was.

        Wesley Tretelli. Moved here about two months ago from New Jersey with his dad. No known existence of any mother or siblings, or pets at that. He moved here because of his dad's business, even though what his dad does for a living is still unknown. He's a nice enough kid, but no one really knows that much about him. Always on his computer, always taking notes in the same brown, leather notebook.

         A little creepy, I know.

        Only other thing I know about him is that Andi, one of my closest friends, has the biggest crush on him. He's only been here three days and she's gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs over him. Marin, Charlie, and I just observe silently as she stares him down in class. It's a weird, watching chain.

        Marin leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Is that who I think it is?" He had obviously noticed Wesley sitting against the wall like I had. I also had noticed he was typing on his computer. I nodded at Marin's question and kept moving, as we were becoming fairly close to Wesley at this point.

        Mere inches before we reached him, Wesley looked up at me. His eyes widened as he spotted me and I couldn't help but feel nervous from an overly intense stare such as his own. I cracked a weak smile and gave a small wave as an attempt to diminish the awkwardness, only to have it returned by frantic typing. His sudden break of eye contact made my face fall into confusion. How rude.

        "What was that all about?" Marin asked once we were far enough away from Wesley.

        "I have no clue," I stated plainly; the experience had been weird. But, ever since we passed Wesley, my head had began to pulse. Maybe it was just the embarrassment of it all. But whatever it was, it was really hurting. Like, a lot. I winced at the throbbing pain and held a hand to my head.

        "Hey, are you okay?" Marin asked cautiously, placing a hand on my shoulder. His face covered with worry.

        "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little headache," I replied, trying my best not to show the amount of pain I was in through my words. My head beginning to throb at a faster pace. It felt like a stabbing heartbeat inside my cranium.

        Marin's eyes widened. " don't look so good. Let's have the nurse check you out too."

        "Marin, I said I'm fine, okay?" I said through gritted teeth. What was this pain? It was as if my brain was being stabbed with a flaming hot knife. My vision was beginning to blur, I could barely even see Marin. The world was beginning to spin so fast, and I couldn't slow it down.

        "Luka? Luka, hold on! Luka it's gonna be fine, just don't pass out. Dude, you know I can't carry you!"

        Then my body went numb. My face fell to the floor.

        And the world went black.

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