Chapter 69

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Tim lifted his carry on bag into the compartment above then took the window seat he had reserved for Chance. He knew how much he enjoyed looking out the window whenever they flew, often taking photos along the way. Thankful that the seat beside him would be empty he settled in planning to try to sleep a bit on the way to Minnesota. Shortly after take off the stewardess came through taking drink orders. Tim ordered a Jack Daniels on the rocks, hoping it would relax him a bit to help fall asleep. As he sipped his drink while looking out the window he felt someone sit down next to him.

"Hey handsome, what are you doing sitting all alone" said a female voice.

Tim rolled his eyes and turned to find the beautiful blond he had met at Chances party. "Oh, hello Miss, nice to see you again" he politely responded.

"Always a gentleman aren't you" she smiled.

"Yes, mame" Tim blushed slightly as he looked at her. There was something about her that made him want to get to know her better. But he knew he was most likely 10 years older than her and doubted she would ever be interested in someone like him.

"Where are you headed, if you don't mind my asking " he said to her.

"Wisconsin. Headed home to see family for a bit before looking for another job. My duties as a nanny are no longer needed as the family I worked for are moving out of the country. They offered to take me with them, but I refused. I just can't be that far away from my family, ya know" she told him. "What about you, where you going?" she asked.

"Back to Minnesota to meet up with the rest of the band. We go back out on tour next week" he said as he finished his drink.

"Sounds like fun but I bet it's tiring at times. Plus being cooped up on a bus for days on end could drive you a bit crazy. Don't you guys get on each other's nerves after awhile" she asked.

Tim laughed a little, " yeah we do but we all are practical jokers, some are more hard core than the rest, but it all works. We're just like any other family" he told her.

"I know Chance has his moments pulling jokes on people, one thing I really like about him is his sense of humor. Where is he by the way?" she asked.

Not going into detail he just said that he was meeting him later. He had promised not to say anything to anyone and not knowing how close a friend she really was to him he felt it best to leave it at that.


As Chance laid on the table for the MRI his mind drifted to thoughts of Mina. He wanted to find her, to tell her everything, to tell her how much he still loved her. But doubt kept entering, would she understand, would she feel the same, did she still love him. He had no idea where to begin to try to find her.

"Just relax Chance, this will be over in a bit" came a voice in his ear buds. Apparently he was tensing up a bit and had moved some on the table. He took a deep breath and attempted to dose off.

Dr. Daniels was in the booth with the radiology technician performing the scan when Dr. Samuels came in to review the preliminary findings. Normally it would take a couple of days for results however Dr. Samuels was doing this as a favor for Marcus, having been colleagues for years. They continued to observe the images throughout the scan making notations along the way.

"Ok Chance, the test is over. Please stay on the table till I come in" the voice in the ear buds informed him.

The technician came into the room, slid the table out as he handed her the ear buds. "Don't get up too fast, just take your time. How do you feel" she asked as he slowly sat up. "Fine" he replied. He sat there while she informed him his Dr. would contact him with the results and now he needed to proceed to the lab for blood work. "Thank you" he replied as he headed out the door.


There was a bit of turbulence half way through the flight. Not being a big fan of flying to begin with Tim found it a bit unnerving, trying as best he could to hide his fear. A sudden drop jolted the young blond into his side. "Miss, are you ok" he asked her. "Please, call me Jenika. I'm sorry I fell against you" she said. "No harm, not your fault" he assured her. "This is the biggest reason I don't care to fly" she said to him. He smiled and put his arm around her " No need to apologize, I totally understand" he replied.

They sat like that throughout the rest of the turbulence that felt like forever despite only lasting about 15 mins more. A voice came over the intercom updating the passengers of the weather conditions that caused it but that everything was back to normal and they would be landing in Rochester International in about 30 minutes.

"How are you getting to Wisconsin," Tim asked.

"I have a slight delay before my departure to Milwaukee" she replied.

Feeling strangely bold, Tim decided to ask her too have lunch with him, if she had time, before catching her flight.

She smiles and accepted his invitation. Just before landing she returned to her own seat to gather her items from above and would meet him back at his seat before exiting the plane. Once off the plane, they grabbed his luggage and his rental car then headed to a cafe next door to the airport. They talked and laughed over a quick lunch before heading back so she wouldn't miss her flight. He walked her to the boarding gate "It was nice to see you again Miss, I mean Jenika. Have a safe trip home" Tim said to her. "Thank you Mr. Foust" she chuckled "I'm glad we ran into each other.  Maybe we will again some day, hopefully soon" she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek "goodbye Tim" "Goodbye Jenika" he smiled as she turned and walked up the hallway.

Tim smiled all the way back to his car.

Jenika sat down in her seat as she looked out the window smiling, hoping she would run into the handsome, polite Texan again..very soon.

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