Chapter 76

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Chance and Tim headed out to Billies Barbecue Pit in Mankato to grab a bite to eat. It was the closest thing to authenticate southern barbecue they could get.

On the way Tim told Chance he had contacted Adam to let him know he'd arrived earlier than expected, explaining that as his reason for leaving in the middle of the night. Adam let him know that Austin arrived earlier also and that Luke wanted to meet with everyone at his place at 8 pm. Tim had invited Adam and Ericha to meet them but they had already made plans to spend the day together with Cerise.

As they pulled into the parking lot Chance remarked "that looks like Rob's SUV near the door".

As they walked in they spotted Austin and Rob so they made their way to their table. "I knew if one of you was here surely so would be the other" Chance laughed.

"Hey man good to see you" said Austin as he stood up and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks, good to see you too" he replied.

"Hey Rob, good to see you too, how's the family" Chance asked.

"Hey buddy, glad you're back. Family is good, Lydia is growing like a weed" he chuckled.

Tim stood there, acting annoyed and said aloud "oh hey Tim, how are you. Good, how are you, great to see you're back" . The other three just laughed as Austin walked over and pinched Tim's cheeks smiling " oh I've missed your sarcasm so much" he told him.

They finally placed their orders, deciding to share multiple items including brisket, ribs, pulled pork and all the fixings along with a couple pitchers of beer. They talked about a little of everything during the meal but everyone seemed to avoid the main topic, Chance's health, for which he was grateful. He still had no idea how he was going to tell them all of the recent findings.

Once everyone arrived at Luke's they followed him out to the back sunroom. A fire was going in the fireplace and the bar was fully stocked for anything they wanted.  Chance was anxious about this meeting, not knowing how everyone would handle his latest update. Tim picked up on his anxiety and whispered "you got this, don't worry" as he went to the bar for a beer.

Luke had written up an itinerary for all the upcoming scheduled appearances, photo shoots and details on the upcoming tour. After about two hours of going over everything, answering  questions, making changes and suggestions, Luke considered everyone was up to date and ready to start with the photo shoot and interview scheduled for the next day.

"Now guys, tell me how you are after having the two week break" Luke asked.

Everyone sat silent at first, then Rob started by telling how much he enjoyed time off with his family.

Austin then chimed in about "the big fish that got away" while he spent his time back in Georgia with his aunt, uncle and grandmother.

Adam spoke up next beaming as he showed pictures and videos of Cerise, including the one of Tim sleeping when he was supposedly reading a bedtime story to Cerise. 

Tim pulled out his phone and said he went down to spend some time with Chance on the coast and proceeded to show them the video from the party at the bar and a few other funny pictures he snuck of Chance when he didn't know it.

Chance sat there in his own world thinking while they all reminisced about their time off, how relaxed they all were. His anxiety continued to build, all he wanted to do was get up and run, but knew he couldn't. He couldn't run or hide it anymore.

"Hello, earth to Chance", Luke said as he snapped his fingers in front of him several times.

Finally realizing he was spoken to, Chance shook his head slightly and laughed nervously. "So what about you Chance? From the video Tim showed us you seem to be enjoying yourself. You all ready for this next tour? " Luke asked.

The rest of the guys looked his way, waiting for a response. Chance just looked at Tim, who nodded in his direction and mouthed "it's time".

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