The Yule ball

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A/N Hey:) Thanks to everyone who is still reading- please comment and vote!! I am skipping forward to the Yule ball:) x


I fiddled nervously with my dress as Lily fussed about the room getting ready around me. Mary McDonald was sitting on the bed across from me in a simple strapless black dress with lace covering part of her chest and neck. She smiled at me encouragingly and I gave a small one back. I needed to calm myself down.

Breath Seri I told myself, braiding my hair lightly to the side for something to do, everyone is dressed up, you look fine.

I had a sudden flashback to reading the fourth Harry Potter book when they were getting ready for the Yule ball. I reminded myself that at least I didn't have to wear that ruffly piece of crap Ron did as Lily came bustling back into the room.

"How do I look?" She questioned us eagerly, turning around on the spot. She was wearing a plain 50's green dress with a black belt and strappy black heels. And she looked drop-dead gorgeous.

"Well, I can tell you James will be jealous as hell of Luke" I winked at her and she scowled menacingly. Luke was her date for the night: cute, kind and completely not her type.

We made our way downstairs along with the rest of the overwhelming crowds of people and headed for the great hall. Lily pulled me back just as we reached the stairs.

"Please please please tell me who you are going with!" She pleaded as a desperate last chance, holding my hand down and looking up at me with puppy-dog eyes. But I just laughed.

"You are going to find out in a minute Lils, just be patient" I grinned and winked at her before turning towards the stairs. She grumbled darkly, falling into step beside me. We reached the stairs and I mentally slapped myself for actually letting Lily convince me to wear heels, I can hardly walk downstairs as it is!

I didn't dare look anywhere but my feet until I was close to the ground and felt a whole lot safer.

 I look down to where a small huddle of girls are and rolled my eyes, finding James and Sirius lapping up the attention. 

I got down the last few steps and hooked my arm around James's. I watched as Lily's eyes widened, looking over at me and completely ignoring her now slightly frustrated date.  


Beside me, I felt James turn away from the small group of girls and knew there had to be some kind of good reason for it. There was.

Seri was almost floating (I don't know how she falls over her feet on every other day) down the stairs in a peach coloured dress with black lace-up heels, grinning sheepishly. Lily was waiting for her at the bottom, with a look of anticipation on her face.

I chuckled to myself. Looks like Seri hadn't told anyone who she was going with.

James was grinning broadly, ecstatic that we were finally going to find out who asked the girl I was too afraid to. Ahem, I mean who was my second choice in partner, yes well anyway.

Seri grinned broadly at us as she came closer and winked at James, shooing the girls around him as they linked arms.

"What?" Lily and I said in unison as everything fell into place. So, James asked her instead...?

"Wha...why?" Lily stuttered, mainly confused. Seri burst out laughing so James decided it was his turn to explain.

"Well since neither of us was able to go with who we REALLY wanted" James looked pointedly at Lily and she scoffed at him, " we decided to go with each other"

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