Prologue: The Prom Night

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The whole atmosphere was soothing, Tiffany felt free; ready to be wild. The DJ decided to change the song to a slow one. Benjamin smiled, he had practised how to slow dance online, so he wouldn't look like a fool in front of his girlfriend.

From where she was, Tiffany's best friend, Clayton, winked at her and his girlfriend had to hit him to get his attention back. Tiffany giggled and looked up to see Benjamin smiling at her.

"What's so funny?" He asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. She shook her head slowly and said, "Nothing, let's dance, shall we?"

He smiled at her again, bent down and kissed her slowly. She kissed him back, but quickly pulled away. She hated PDA.

They begun to dance, there was the swirling, the holding, the quick kisses. It was all so magical for both of them. Since they started dating three years ago, they dreamed of having a night to remember at their prom. And they were sticking to it.

Benjamin bent down, but this time, he whispered in her ear, "I love you. You won't ever leave me, right?"

She felt her face turning pink, which was thankfully hidden by the darkness of the room. "I won't ever. I promise."

Her blush turned to a frown after she realized what she had just done. She knew she made a promise she wouldn't keep. They would find her sooner or later.

After the dance, Tiffany went to get some punch for herself. She was tired, and she saw Benjamin talking to his fellow football players, they were talking quite loudly and Tiffany just chuckled.

She saw her reflection on the glass doors. She never cared about appearances, but she had to. Just for that night. Her red silk gown was given to her by her mom and with her help, she got dressed up well.

Her phone rang in her purse, and she opened it, bringing out her phone. She checked the caller ID, it was unknown.

She picked up the call. After hearing the word, 'It's time', she knew who it was. And she couldn't help but start crying.

She wanted to leave without Clayton or Ben seeing her, so she ran through the back doors.

"Tiffany! Tiffany wait up!" She could hear Benjamin calling from behind. She ran, and ran until she saw the motorcycle waiting for her, and she sped off into the dark.

Ben, short of breath, saw her go. He started to sob, and he went on his knees. All he could hear was what said, 'I won't ever. I promise.'


Ha, prologue of another new story.

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