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I decided to continue this because it had a nice concept and I just never noticed.




Was I the only one who liked Mondays?  I used to see people complaining about how hectic Mondays always were but to me, they are just normal. Why support the stereotype of Monday being a bad day?

Anyway, waking up was the same for me. The alarm clock rung, I rushed out of my bed, brushed and bathed, drank a cup of coffee and dressed up in my favourite black gown. It was a short gown, stopping just where my knee starts, but it looked okay because I was average height.

Today, I'd be going to the office for a very important meeting, at least that's what Mr Saul said.

Mr Saul was like my father, since my real one was practically scum. I would never forget everything that my 'father' put me through 13 years ago. I don't even think I know how to. The memories are literally etched in my brain and it's going to be hard to get rid of them.

It was only when I had met Mr Saul five years ago that my life changed for the better. I'd be forever grateful to him. Right now, I'm standing in the middle of my apartment thinking about my fucked up past and I just remembered that my cat, Ray, hadn't been fed.

Of course he had a cat sitter, but apparently, he didn't like her so she doesn't come often. She only has to come on the days that I'd come home really late.

"Hey buddy," I said, ruffling his full fur when he entered the room, "did you sleep good?" He licked my hand and I took that as a yes. He then bounced on me and began purring as I kept on ruffling his hair.

"Okay okay, I know you don't want me to go, but I have to. How else will I buy you that horrific cat food you seem to like, hmm?" I then laid him down and chuckled.

"Amanda is-"

He started growling and even I became afraid. He really, really doesn't like her. I can't afford to leave him with her or I'd go to jail on behalf of Ray for an innocent girl's murder.

"Alright, alright, fine. I won't call her, but you have to promise me you won't go outside or break my vases anymore. Deal?" He didn't even listen to me, he just strutted into the kitchen for his food.

I giggled and shook my head. Boys, I thought.


After I fed Ray, he fell right asleep and I wished I had his kind of life. I mean all he ever does is eat, play, sleep, repeat. I, on the other hand, have to go to work for a solid 9 hours and eat only once day. You're living the best life, aren't you? My subconscious mocked me.

"Fuck you." I muttered. The little boy who I had been in the elevator with looked at me weirdly and when the door opened, he scrambled away quickly.

"Great, now I'm looking crazy." I muttered again.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Any, you're talking to yourself again, sweetie." I heard from behind me. My face immediately lit up in a smile and I turned around to hug my best friend in the whole world, Jason. We were in the reception lounge and there was nobody in sight. Ah, just how I liked it. No humans.

"Shut up, you idiot." I said and he smirked. idiot.

"I'm sorry that I haven't called or texted, I've just been having money problems and I needed to sort myself out. I hope you understand?" After I finished talking, he looked at me like I was crazy.

"You hope? Of course I understand, Any. It's really not your fault, babe. I always offer to help but you refuse. You obstinate little girl."

I giggled before saying, "You've truly expanded your vocabulary, haven't you? And, I know it's not easy to have a rich best friend who wants to take care of you, but I can take care of myself, okay?"

He kissed my forehead before answering with a nod. He knew that I'd never accept, but I found it sweet that he kept trying.

"So, what's this important meeting about, Jase?" I asked and for the second time today, he looked at me like I was stupid.

"What are you talking about, sweetie? There's no meeting. Besides, who even holds meetings anymore? They're so fucking old school."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, you doof. Sure. But, Mr Saul told me there was this meeting and it was very important. Maybe he was just pulling my legs or something."

"I definitely wasn't pulling your legs, Miss Tiffany."

I don't know how it happened, but the voice scared me so much that I jumped on Jason's body and he had to carry me bridal style. I then saw that it was Mr Saul and I let out a sigh of relief for not falling and breaking my teeth and chuckled because he was so happy doing this to me, even though he knew it scared the shit out of me.

"Sorry, not sorry, Tiffany. I need you in my office now, but you can come when you're doing cuddling Jason." He said and left. Jason's face had reddened and so had mine. He was always trying to set the both of us up, but I was against it. I mean, early on into our friendship I fell for him. I fell hard. But then I realized that falling for your best friend never ended well so I laid low. The feelings were still there, obviously, but I didn't know how felt about me and I didn't want to ask.

Jason and I were just looking into each other's eyes and it was getting so awkward. "Um, doof, you can let me down now." I said, then chuckled to make it look less weird.

"O-oh sorry sweetie." He then let me down and I ruffled his hair. "See you later, you big dummy." I said and he laughed. I was walking to Mr Saul's office when I heard Jason call out my name.

"Yeah? Come on, you don't need to miss me so much, I'll be back soon."

"Don't flatter yourself, Any," He said, then came closer to me. When I mean closer, he didn't just walk a few steps towards me, he came like The Chainsmokers type closer. He then continued, "I need to talk to you tonight. It's about something important. We can meet over at my house?" I really wanted to answer him, but the way he was looking at my lips made my insides melt. He did this frequently, teasing me with sexual gestures like these. But this one seemed really intense, and I liked it. It actually seemed to confirm that he liked me the way I liked him. I didn't want to be one of those girls who were oblivious to this kinds of things.

I stared up at his lips too. I was so short compared to him. "Um, okay, yeah, cool, sure. That would be great, cool, awe-"

He cut me off as he chuckled. "Okay I get it Any. I'll see you later?"

I nodded and he smiled. He then shifted back and I wished I could still feel his breath fanning my face.

I was still in the middle of the reception lounge, blushing over what just happened when I heard Mr Saul's voice sound through the entire room.

"Miss Tiffany Mears, please report to my office immediately."

Oh, right.



I'm here! I have some free time now, so yeah.
more coming soon.

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