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I'm 39 weeks pregnant. I was on the couch it's June no school. This year is my final year of high school it's also Beck's  I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Ow!" I yelled in pain. Trina comes down. "Are you okay? Because I was watching a good movie." She says. "I had a sharp pain." I say, it comes again. "Ow! Ow!" I say. "Tori I think your in Labor but I'm not sure let's take you to the hospital. Trina drove me to the hospital the same sharp pain won't stop. They put me on a bed and check everything. "Tori your in labor. Anyone you want me to call.?" The doctor says. "Trina call mom and dad and Beck." I say, they took me to labor and delivering room. My doctor checked my cervix. "Your 4cm you can get epidural for the pain when your mom comes in. She broke my water. 10 mins my mom and dad and Beck came in the room. "She coming." I say to Beck. "I know I'm excited but scared to be her dad." He says. My mom signed for the epidural because I'm still a minor. I felt better. "I'm scared to but also excited to finally meet her." I say. Everyone came in.  My doctor checked me I was in labor for 4 hours now. "It's time to push." She says everyone was out besides my mom and Beck. I took a couple of breaths I pushed hard. I felt her coming out. "Your doing great Tori." My doctor said. I pushed again I felt her head coming out. I wasn't any pain. I pushed again her head was out of my body. I pushed again her arms and chest came out. I pushed again I pushed her butt out and my last pushed she was out.  She started to cry I was crying so was Beck and my mom. They put her on top of me Beck cut her umbilical cord. "She is here." Beck says. "She is perfect." I said. They took her to get weighed and checked the doctor was done with me I was able to put my down and rest. Beck brings her all wrapped up. He puts her in my arms. "She was 8 1/2 lbs and 10 ounces Tori. She is a big girl she was born at 4:15pm on June 6th." He says. He takes a picture of her.

 He takes a picture of her

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Beck and Tori their life togetherWhere stories live. Discover now