Chapter 6.

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Welp!! I'm baccck tehee...time too strut back in to this story shall we.....



I wake up to the bird sining and the sun in my face..but i didn't know i was gone wake to a boy with his arms around me...he looked like prodigy or was it just me..he woke and smiled..i smiled back.."Good mourning beautiful"..he said in his sweet voice...."Good mourning handsome"..i said while climbing over him...i went into the restroom and brush my teeth and all that good stuff

I felt something wrap around me..i looked in the mirror it was prod..i spitted my mouthwash out surprised..he jumped back while i held my  mouth...i ranned out the room to Cassie room and jumped on the bed...she woke to see me..then she turned back over..i seen this big ole puff on the pillow but no face..i slighty pushed didn't move so i played throw it..then someone woke up..."Wo"..he said..."CAssie"...i said shaking her..."WHAT!!"..she yelled..

I laughed she got even madder she woke up and went to the restroom to get cleaned up..she came out scratching her hair...."I'm finna go fix breakfast"..she said angrily...."I'm coming with you"..i said


I was already woke i just didn't want to wake everyone eles..cuz i really didn't feel like going to was almost the weekends anyways we just had thursday and friday then..The weekend...but i seen Ajah run in the kitchen and sit at the table..."wassup lil sis"...i said.."wassup"..she said....then cassie walked in looking like hell...."DAMN!!"..i said..."you know how i get in the mourning"..she said

She ranned off we was wondering what she was doing then she yelled back downstairs...."GET READY FOR SHCOOL WE'RE ALMOST LATE!!"....Me and Ajah rushed upstairs to get ready....(I put on my white v-neck and my ripped up shorts with my favorite necklace that my mom bought me with my white van's and my snapback i grabbed my jean jacket and my beats and headed downstairs....

I seen ajah who had on ( True love exist shirt with her flower tights her pink vans her bracelet with her necklace her rings with her over the shoulder bag..oh cant forget her beats(pink)then cassie came down with (a shirt that came above her belly ring her ripped pants her black jordans with her believe necklace her love bracelet ray bands and her beats).."Yall ready"..i said..everyone nodded and we left

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