Chapter 10.

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This Her Co-writter Cassie If I Texted Off This Page.....lmao I Dont Know What To Tell Ya!! But Finna Write The Sory And All That Stuff....ENJOY!!<3 Mhaw



I Walked in an seen scars and bruises all over ajah legs and wonder gentry whore all them clothes....she turned around and walked upstairs then i heard the door slam...i was still in shock of what i seen....

i walked up the stairs an i knocked on the door..she told me to come in...but this time she had on(Hoodie,sweat pants and long socks)i sat by her on the bed and just looked at her...thats when she teared up...."I know horrible"..she said while whipping away tears..."Just please stop starring"..she spat

Me:I-i-i-i-i I'm


Me:Yea...come here

I Held her tight in my arms then i told her to get dressed right when we was going to leave her mom pulled up we ran back to her room and dived under her bed.....her mom came busting throw her room throwing all her clothes everywhere and throwing glass on the ground


I think my mom was drunk she was falling and crying she cursed me and my sisters while falling then her boyfriend came in and he took her to the car...they left and me and prod got up...."I'm getting you outta here"..he said in anger....i just nodded in agreement

we went to the hospital to get cassie,roc,an prince they all looked rough so we droped them off at roc went home to warn gentry before she went...soon as we pulled up her and ray was just hoping out of the car

Me:Gentry wait too

Me:Me too what...who did it

Gentry:Nobody now can i go in the house

Me:You cant

Gentry:Well im going anyway


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