Chapter 15.

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Gentry ran out of idea's..and me being captain saver...had to come through and all that stuff anyways...ENJOY!!



We walked in the house and my mom tried to be always..fuck her she's a fucking fake..all of a sudden cassie had her hair wraped in a bun,sweat pants,and a tank top...i knew what was about to happen and i didnt stop her

Just when i heard a big BOOM!!i raned downstairs to cassie pounding my mom in the face...i just laughed and mom pushed cassie into the table an she hit her back...cassie kneed her in the nose and grabed her hair and draged her to the other room...thats when no more noise


Even my dad was apart of this what type of sick shitt is this..fuck my life fuck it all....i dont desrve to live this life i have enough to leaving my sisters here i hope they be ok..i know ajah will but lil gentry...i dont know....i went upstairs leaving my mom on the couch to started packing..soon ajah came in the room.."Cassie where you going"..she said.."Somewhere ajah"..i sighed

She raned in her room and grabed her stuff..."No you cant go"..i spat.."Why...i dont want to be here..what about us Cassie"..she cried.."No and thats finally i cant let you and gentry live my life...i want"...i spat..."I HATE YOU"...she cried...i hated when she said thoses words...ugh but she's right..i gave in an we left to start our jorney


I went home to seeing my mom on the couch..nose bleeding,lip busted,and patches in her hair...i knew what happen mom and cassie again..this isnt the fisrt time they fought..but where is she anyways...i walk to her room and ajah room nothing..but in my room was a note..

NOTE:Sorry lil sis..will be back right now where on our way to us and if you need us will come get you asap..just give a call..if moms mistreat you def call me ill take care of that if dad come back get yo ass out the house and most def call you and ajah said call her wants you get this...LOVE YOU LIL SIS!!

I crumbled the note and called ajah asap..."Hey sis"..she said.."And where do i fit in at yall just gone leave me here huh?...well fuck you both"I spat.."Look calm yo ass down we outside niqqa..get yo shitt and come hop yo ass in the car"she said..i grabed my stuff scoffed at my mom and headed for the thing you know we where in this big ass condo...


I walked around and me cassie and gentry called upstairs at the same time..."Man".."ill get down here then..need my personal space"..cassie said...i knew what she meant by that..cuz i dont want to see her in her panties and bra's at night...well thats when we dont have company...but anyways cassie came in my room with an evil grin

"Wasssssssssup cassie"..i said.."Wanna have a party"..she grinned.."Yasssss huney"..i laughed..she laughed to and ran to gentry room....all i heard was shopping time and i was at the door before they where..I LOVE SHOPPING..exspecailly with my sis them...i heard her on the phone with more people then i could count...lata that day we where getting ready...few hours lata PARTY TIME!!

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