Sooner or later

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I walk into the Great Hall, ready to take my seat with my friends. I almost forgot about them, I haven't seen them since our last class. They'll understand after I show them, won't they? But first I have to tell my mum.

It was a few hours later,when the hall was almost empty that's when mum came up to me.

I can feel the nerves building up. "Emily where have you been? your not coming to classes, you never hang out with your friends anymore......". She started saying before I cut her off. "Why didn't you tell me, we were at peace with the dragons?" I asked. Her eyes widened "How did you find out about that?"

It went quiet, she didn't answer me so I'm didn't answering her. But I herd her whisper "your just like your father". I took a deep breath before speaking again "that's another thing mum, you don't talk about him much, I needed to know that's why uncle Snotlout took me to the cove. I learnt about dad, when I meet Toothless I found ....."I was cut off "you found Toothless?" I looked at her, I couldn't read weather she was upset that I found out or that he is still out there. "Yeah, Toothless is his name right?"

"Yes it is. Now Emily I need you to promise me you will stay away from him." She said to me, "No .... I won't, YOU DONT GET IT MUM, HE'S FAMILY TOO. HE IS THE ONLY PART OF DAD THAT I EVER HAVE LEFT" the tears build up in my eyes as I got up from my seat, I smashed the table with my axes before running out the door, to the forest.

I found myself calling Toothless's name over and over, when he came to me, he looked at me and then his saddle. I nodded and we took off.

I can't stay at Berk, mum doesn't understand what's happening. So I won't come back until they all know that my father is a huge part of my life. Flying Toothless made me feel like I was with dad, the wind blowing in my hair, I might have been little but I will always remember what he used to tell me and I whisper it to the wind " As you grow you will know". I know what I want and I will never, ever let go of Toothless. No matter what becomes of me.

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