Peace again

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War is finally over my day has come. I'm finally going to be chief. Wow 😳 to be honest I didn't think this day would come. Not after the war. The place was destroyed and we lost a few people. With the help of the dragons we rebuilt this place in no time.

Things are still awkward with the dragons and people. Uncle Fishlegs is helping with that a lot here I thought was my teacher who hated dragons and wanted to keep them a secret because it was a horrible past. But no he was the one who kept them hidden from Mum and broke the law that she made all for the love of a dragon.

Then there's my Uncle Snotlout who was like a father figure he was there when Mum wasn't. He's been there through it all and seeing him so broken after Mum just proves how much he cares this heartless warrior. But no he was a soft guy who still no matter what happened loved my mum and was a support to her.

As I walk into the great hall everyone was cheering long live the chief. It's now official but now I have a life to uphold and I promise to protect my village at all costs.

"A chief protects his own". The wind says to me and I agree. I love you Mum and Dad forever and always.

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