The sorry,loss and forgiven.

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Astrid's POV

The battle went on there was blood. It was a scene unfolding in front of my eye. Something I wish I never saw. The people I love and know,my people dying and I could have easily prevented this. I could have banished that dragon when it happened. But Hiccup would never forgive me. The village is destroyed.

I don't blame Snotlout for telling Emily, I was just scared. I didn't want to lose her like I lost her father. She's so much like him. I remember Hiccup saying she was like me but after he died I started seeing more and more of him in her.

That's why I banned all the dragons. That's why I shut myself away, do more work I couldn't look at her if I did I would see him. And he would be so disappointed in me.

Me his wife and best friend. I couldn't bare to raise a child that was like him so I left. Worked late hours started before the sun. I for filled my duties to my people. But at the same time I forgot to be a Mum. Hiccup would never have gone to work and forgotten about me. So why is it so easy to lose yourself and problems in work.

I Love Emily I really do but I needed to protect her. From all this. The war is coming maybe if I just told her the truth from the start she would have understood. Life isn't a game to Hiccup yes but look where he is now. Not with me. Not with his daughter he is gone.

I saw dragon bloodvist heading towards me I can't fight this anymore I deserve it. Playing tough girl all the time. I think of how much of a Disappointment I am. What would Hiccup say. This is it for me I'm going to stand here and except my fate. I've felt horrible for years. I looked over to Fishlegs and mouthed tell Emily I love her and I'm sorry.

With that I felt pain in my side and herd voices shouting. Everyone was blurry. Then I saw a figure it was hard to make out it was my little girl.

Emily's POV

I saw commotion down on the ground what shocked me the most is that it was my Mum. I wasn't there to protect her I flew to the ground and ran over to her my legs colapesed underneath me as I neared my now pale mother.

"Mum Mum your going to be ok everything is going to be ok. I promise you we can fight this together" I say trying to be strong trying not to break down in a mess.

" you can do this without me. I promise people are going help you. Toothless will help you. You are stronger then you think. My little Emily your father would be so proud. Toothless I'm sorry. It's not your fault it was his. I blamed you. I love you. My little Emily". her voice so weak but I listened to every word. My mum was so weak I knew it was only a matter of moments before she would slip away.

Uncle Snotlout then came over he pulled Mum into his arms he held her tight and said that she can't leave yet. That she was strong and that she would pull through. But I knew to well that it was to late she was almost gone.

Then she raised her hand to his cheek and said "thank you, look after Emily. You've got dust in your eyes." Then she slipped into the darkness she was gone the person who was always there was gone.

Uncle Snotlout held Astrid tightly and said "that it was not dust, Astrid it was a tear because deep down you knew I always cared".

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