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this what happen when i think bout you
i get in my feelings, yeah
i start reminiscing, yeah

ethan bro i don't know what to do, i miss her so much, i can't believe i did that to her

i don't know man you put this on yourself

i sat on the couch in me and ethan's apartment as i ranted to ethan about my ex
gracie for the 1000th time today

she broke up with me because i cheated and she found out

i don't know why i even cheated
she's perfect

her body is just omg
she's beautiful
she has brown hair
she has green eyes
she's perfect

and i cheated on her
i loved her
but i cheated on her

she loved me
i loved her
but i broke her heart

can't you talk to claudia and get her to get gracie to talk to me , please ethan, i need to talk to her, to see her, please

i can try but i'm not promising anything grayson


1st chapter i like this book but idk if i'm gonna be like consistent with it but i hope you like it.. i act like i have 1k reads i have like 3😭😭


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