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i was never loyal
let you tell it, yo
but im ready to fix it if you ready, baby
but so, so

claudia thank you so much for getting her to see me i owe you big time

just don't fuck it up again grayson

claudia walked out with ethan and then i got ready to go see gracie

after i got ready i drove to in n out
i sat in a booth and waited
and waited
for what felt like forever

till she walked in
looking as beautiful as ever

she sat across from me and as she sat down she looked broken

i wanted to cry

she looked like she wanted to cry

hey gracie

hey grayson

listen grace im so sorry i swear i don't know what i was thinking, i loved you so much, and i still do that's why i wanted to see you, i wanted to see if you'd take me back, i know i wasn't loyal, but i'm going to fix that, now please baby take me back

listen grayson, it's not going to be that easy to get me back if you really want me back you have to work for it, you have to make me want you back

i'll do whatever you want, i'll kill someone, i'll jump off a bridge, i don't care as long as i can be with you

grayson, you do realize if you do either of those things you won't be with me, you'll be in jail or dead

see baby, that's what i miss about you, you always had that smart little attitude, but you get what i mean

we'll see grayson, just not yet, i'm not running back to you that easily, you broke my heart

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